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LV's growing update

Well since we are in summer down under my plants are growing quite well despite the odd weather we've had.

So I've added and or updated some photos of how my efforts are going.


There are a couple of varieties that I'm not too sure about so if anyone knows what they are please tell me.

No idea on this one


This may be some form of birdseye



Some of my chilli and tomato harvest so far in this album. http://photos.viykor.com/thumbnails.php?album=34

Lastly I'veuploaded an album with my new tomato plants, it also has other photos of my herbs etc.
LordViykor said:
Lastly I'veuploaded an album with my new tomato plants, it also has other photos of my herbs etc.

Everything is looking good. What kind of zucchini you got growing there.
Josh said:
Everything is looking good. What kind of zucchini you got growing there.

Not sure what type they were, I ended up pulling them out all the fruit was rotting. May have been fruit fly or some other grub.
LordViykor said:
Not sure what type they were, I ended up pulling them out all the fruit was rotting. May have been fruit fly or some other grub.

Oh that is too bad sorry to hear. Breaded fried zucchini is great. I have to think about adding it to the garden for the 2010 season.
lostmind said:
Zucchini was my biggest producer in the garden. I must have harvested 50+ zucchini's per plant!

I don't know too much about zucchini but that sounds like a lot to me. What variety was that?