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hot-sauce Mad Dog 5 million extract

Anyone have any reviews of this stuff? Just wondering how it compares to Demon Ichor as far as taste and *actual* heat, not advertised heat.:hell:
"and the clean tasting heat..."

Ya, right. I'll believe that when I taste it. It probably taste exactly like all the rest of the keytone extracts out there.
Try Z...

It is a much better value for the money and has a nice flavor too if u use it 1 drop at a time. 4,000,000 SHU.


Philipperv said:
It is a much better value for the money and has a nice flavor too if u use it 1 drop at a time. 4,000,000 SHU.



It wasn't that hot. It was good, just not that hot. Its actually not 4 mill. It has a a few drops of a 4 mill SHU extract in there but the sauce itself is not 4 mill. Mamba is hotter than Z (according to Cajohn's...who make both), and Mamba wasn't that that hot for me either. I guess Demon Ichor has spoiled me. Its rediculous and I have a pretty heat resistant tounge.