Madd Balls chocolate

Very hot! Very flavorful!
Lacks the strong chinense flavors that sometimes are too over powering, and detract from the overall flavor of some pods. I really like these and I am very curious as to what they will be like in powdered form. My gut feeling is they will be in the same league as the brown morugas in that regard. They make my top ten for 2016 grow list.
moruga welder said:
bet they go great with that coors light , eh bro ?  lol     :onfire:
Yes they do. Love them sliced thin on a cold cut sandwich.
hogleg said:
They hurt! Not just burn, but hurt, much like the Brainstrain.
Unlike the brown morugas that tend to burn in the back of the throat, I have found the madd balls chocolates to be more of a forward mouth burn and a long lasting residual burn at that. I am encouraged to make a brown moruga / madd balls blend powder to encompass two distinct areas of burn.
If you are referring to gut hurt, I have not endured that as I tend to used super hots in deliberate moderation. But, I will trust your opinion and not get too crazy.
No, I meant in the mouth. Similar to your tongue in a vice feeling. Madballz and Brainstrain both do that more than any other peppers I've had. I like your blending Idea for the multiple heat attack. Both very tasty as far as superhots go in my IMO, too.
hogleg said:
No, I meant in the mouth. Similar to your tongue in a vice feeling. Madballz and Brainstrain both do that more than any other peppers I've had. I like your blending Idea for the multiple heat attack. Both very tasty as far as superhots go in my IMO, too.
Wow, They haven't effected me that way (knock on wood). I get a really nice full lip and gum burn from them and little bit of tongue.
Actually Ajis burn my tongue so much that I cant truly enjoy them. As with many bacatuums the flavor is awesome but the tongue burn really bothers me.
Just another great example of how capsaicin affects different people in different ways.
You should try the chocolate bbg7s next year.  They are one of my favorite.  Similar to how you described the madballz above.  I grew madballz this year, and after reading this, can't actually remember trying them.  I know I have some powdered somewhere, but might have missed this one on the fresh trials.
Heres my late season batch of choc bbg7. 
I thought Madballz were supposed to be brown?
What is different with the chocolate from a 'regular' Madballz?
So, here is a pic of some what I believe are 'Caramel Madballz' pods from a plant that volunteered this season. I put that in quotes because that is my guess based on Madballz (dark brown ones) being planted in that area last year.
A Red Bhut Jolokia on the left, and a Chocolate Bhut Jolokia on the right for size/color comparison.
jcw10tc said:
You should try the chocolate bbg7s next year.  They are one of my favorite.  Similar to how you described the madballz above.  I grew madballz this year, and after reading this, can't actually remember trying them.  I know I have some powdered somewhere, but might have missed this one on the fresh trials.
Heres my late season batch of choc bbg7. 
they make a great powder , and a very durable plant , mine did very well .     :onfire: