food Made Flamin Hot Cheetos Fried Chicken - Added 1Tbs 7Pot / 1Tbs blended pepper powder to Breading- st

...but that said, Cheetos are kinda full of chemicals and have that "chemical heat" to them - I just have a hard time taking any food made with them seriously.
Heh. I've pretty much cut out most starches, fried foods, chips, cookies, etc., etc. Not 100%, but mostly true. It's lowered my tolerance for stuff like that, but every rare once in a while..... And when those time occur, I can totally plow a bag of Cheetos dipped in fatalii puree. Plow. GONE. The fatalii puree probably masks some of that chemical flavor, but I'm okay with that!
If this does not belong in the Drunken Chef I do not know what does! This is straight up frat food. My advice, marinate the chicken in some hot sauce, put the powder on the chicken before the dredge, then again after it comes out. The oil is killing the heat. Also, 387F seems awfully high for frying chicken. I usually go about 360F.
Yeah - concur with JayT - capsaicin is oil soluable. Alcohol too, so it's a wonder Scovie can ever taste anything fiery, but that's a discussion for another day.

I think you need to let the chicken soak in the powders/hot sauce for a while - like 6-8 hours. enough time to really get it soaked in, so that when the fry oil hits it, it's not stripping away the capsaicin.

That said, you're unlikely to get much of a burn from the cheetos at that point regardless, since they're on the outside. Could get a nice crunch from 'em though.