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Made me a Geminator...

As outline by THSC I thought I would have a go building my own. Cost next to nothing to make as I had the bits lying around.

I realise this should be in 'Grow Tech' but thought it would get more traffic here - it also works well and I want as many people to see it as possible.

You will need a plastic storage box - £3 - Wilkinsons. Mine is 16 ltr
A 25w - 50w Aquarium heater - £11 delivered - Ebay. Mine was lying around from an old fish tank
A small lunchbox/ chinese take away tub - £1 or FREE. Lunch box I found in the cupboard.

Take your tub and fill it half way up with water. Place it somewhere flat and away from direct light. On a towel will insulate against heat loss

Take your aquarium heater and set to desired temperature (28 for Chinense's) and stick it to the bottom of your tub. Then plug it in

I then, using a stanley, cut a bit of the lid for the cable and temperature probe (optional) and put the lid on. Then leave the water to get to temp.

Put your desired medium in your lunch box and float it on the water. Let your medium get nice and toasty before sowing seeds.

Once seeds are sowed, label them and WAIT. You should start to see things within a week to 10 days.


If using jiffys or rockwool then you need to spread the weight out to stop water coming over the sides of your lunch box. Rockwool weighs nothing and they hold a lot of water so become quite heavy. Alternatively something with taller sides may be better. I wouldn't use pots in a tray for this reason but cells in a tray (low centre of gravity) would work fine.
cool idea to use the fish tank heater and water as the heat source!

Maybe put a dish/bowl/plate/jar or something under the lunch box for it to sit on instead of floating. Make it less likely to tip over?

Nice Job!
I think Hippy or Nova or Moy did something like that. One of those crazy aussies did, but they seem to work really really well. Nice Job.
Looks good. I'm interested to see how well it goes. I think that is pretty close to what espechili used as well. It seemed to work for him as well.

Good luck!