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maggot problem =(

theres some tiny clear worms with a black dot on their head infesting the soil of my plants right now...
i'm pretty sure they're maggots, and they've eatin all the seeds in the soil that hadn't sprouted yet, and they've eatin the roots of some of my sprouts

is there any way to get rid of these things?
ACK! WORMS!!! I hate grubs, they killed all my pumpkin plants last year. I plant my pumpkins in motorcycle tires and luckily I found the 2 bastards last year after the vines had died, but I got my revenge. The city repaved the street beside my house, the grubs ended up under 6" of asphalt, may they burn in hell. LOL

I doubt what you have are maggots, there would be alot of them and have to be a food source other than a couple seeds for the flys to lay the eggs.
i use neem oil mixed with soap a good soaking before planting and every 2 weeks during growing season.good luck with what ever you use.
Matt50680 said:
I doubt what you have are maggots, there would be alot of them and have to be a food source other than a couple seeds for the flys to lay the eggs.

well, in the cells i planted my jalapenos in, there are alot of them...i found about 3-4 inside of each seed (these things are tiny)
there only seem to be a few in each cell of my other plants; but there are too many to count in the soil my jalapenos were in =/

What kind of soil are you using?

miracle grow, cactus mix
there doesn't appear to be as many now.

and a few of my plants survived
i planted some of my spare seeds in some peat pellets about a week ago to increase my chances of growing some plants this year.

does anyone have any suggestions on soil i could buy at walmart/lowes, that wouldn't have problems with contamination?
lowes carries ferry morse and jiffy ,oganic seed starter soil, have used both with great luck and no bugs. good luck to you! ps : check the area around your sprouting area.
HawaiiAl said:
lowes carries ferry morse and jiffy ,oganic seed starter soil, have used both with great luck and no bugs. good luck to you!

do you keep using that soil(s) all season, or do i need to switch to something else after a certain point?
ok i'm pretty sure my soil wasn't contaminated
i just seen pics of fungus gnat larvae, and they look exactly like what were eating my seeds/seedling roots

there were gnats hanging around my seedlings when this started, so this makes sense:neutral: