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Main Branch Broke Off!

Wouldn't you know it- My chocolate hab is my only chile plant without a ring trellis, and the main branch snapped clean off from the weight of all the fruit. I'm not too worried about the remainder of the plant, but I was wondering if the peppers on the broken branch will still ripen if I, say, stick the whole thing in a big, water-filled, vase like a bunch of roses?
That would probably work, if the branch dries out it will start to adversely effect the peppers. Do that until the leaves on the branch die, then pick the peppers off. It will buy you some time. I wouldn't leave them in direct sunlight either.Good luck, and remember, the unripened ones are still hot and delicious!
Trim the end of the branch before you put it in the water and add a small amount of aspirin to prolong the life of the branch. Change the water frequently, too.
What the.....!!! Pam are you following me?!? Just kidding. Do you think that the branch will still sustain the peppers after the leaves die? I figured the leaves would be a good indicator of when the branch stops providing moisture and starts taking it.
Come to think of it, you might be able to use some cloning solution to try and get the branch to grow roots! But they usually don't recommend that with fruit on the branch.
Pam said:
Trim the end of the branch before you put it in the water and add a small amount of aspirin to prolong the life of the branch. Change the water frequently, too.
I'm way ahead of you. Done and going to do:)
I pretty much treat my tomato's as I do my peppers, sweet or hot. Last week a gust front blew my grape tomato plant clean off the porch. The cage protect most of it but several branches were bent pretty good and one branch was dangling. I put splints on the bent ones but the other I had to cut off.

Since it had several blooms on it I just had to try and save it. I cut the bottom edge at a 45 degree angle and placed it in water. I change the water every other day. During one water change I made a fresh cut just above the other, and added a pinch of Miracle Grow to the water. Very weak, and then change that water to fresh a day later.

This branch tip just might survive enough for a replant.




I try to keep the leaves from touching the water. I don't think I will make a fresh diagonal cut. I'll make that decision in a few days.

This may or may not help. G'luck with it. I think you should be able to at least get the peppers to mature.

Oh yeah, I agree with no direct sunlight. And the aspirin, well, it's done my fresh flower cuts pretty good. They seem to last longer. Don't known about peppers.

Nice!! Great experiment anyways. Tomatoes root a heck of a lot easier than peppers. It would probably take more than miracle grow, but it's worth a shot.
You can always build a simple bubble cloner out of a small rubbermaid box, a couple air stones & an aquarium air pump. The idea is that you just punch a few holes in the lid of the container for the cuttings, put the airstones in the bottom of the container and it oxygenates the water preventing the need for changing it. Also, as the water evaporates the level drops below the tip of the cutting, leaving the part thats forming roots in a humid but not submerged environment encouraging faster rooting. Works great and costs under 20 bucks to build. Say good bye to rooting hormone too, all you need is plain water.

I'll post some pics of the one i built. So far it has worked for tomatoes, stevia, & salvia and a couple other plants. I did a test run with stevia, 1 rooting in water, 1 rooting in perlite, and 1 rooting in the cloner. Cloner had much bigger roots and rooted about 3-4 days earlier than the other methods, even though I used rooting hormone on the perlite one.

The reason I mention all this is because normally to clone something you must cut off most of the leaves to prevent moisture loss due to transpiration, but with this method it seems to work on much larger cuttings without wilting or the need for a humidity dome. So maybe it would work for your big branch.

Also, one trick I learned from a florist is to make the cut on the stem while holding it underwater if possible. This prevents an air bubble from getting inside the stem which would impede the further uptake of water, thus preventing wilting. Try that if you ever have problems with flowers or cuttings wilting even if you put them in water.
Omg im acrig growing my chili plants and there about 3 months old and have about 6 new chutes growing about 4 inches out of the chicken wire
. Well the plant was bent 90 degrees and was doing beautiful well the very top of the plant was lookin to split in 2 perfectly well the very top of the main stem snapped off! Im freakin out i trimmed the lower leaves off with an exacto, stuck sum tooth picks in a cup and submerged the little bit of stem i had left in the water. Btw the piece that snapped off the top was about 3-4 inches long and the top of it had little
Balls on it and was forking into two stalks. Whhat should i do?! Pleasse help there lemmon drop chilis. What will happen to the rest of the plant and the part that snapped. Im gonaa take a pic and put a link on how to find it.

Ok i makde a photo bucket account, i took picks of my 4 lemmon drop chilis that really progresses when i bougjt them they were half a foot tall to i topped em n put the screen doen on it and kept the main stem 90 degreez and schutes started growin n poppin up! Itl like i have 7 new stalks frowing vertical out of one plant! But as you look through these photos, youll see the tops of every main stalk at the top of the photo, and also what got cut off, amd one pic shows how theres all them shutes bushin up n i keep seperating them under new holes in the screen. But what will happen to the very top piece i accidentally snapped off and what will happen to the plant? It turned out so great for my first chili scrog grow for thos to go wrong :/ it was the plant that was doin the best and they grew SO fast in about 3 weeks! So many new stalks. Heres the link

These arent bad for 3 weeks old from a half foot seedling nut byw when u look ar sum of the pics, i just took them so the taller new stalks i jus trained inder a new hole in the chicken wire to spread them out i have 4 lemmon drop chilis and 2 habaneros ( not pictured.)
You can always build a simple bubble cloner out of a small rubbermaid box, a couple air stones & an aquarium air pump. The idea is that you just punch a few holes in the lid of the container for the cuttings, put the airstones in the bottom of the container and it oxygenates the water preventing the need for changing it. Also, as the water evaporates the level drops below the tip of the cutting, leaving the part thats forming roots in a humid but not submerged environment encouraging faster rooting. Works great and costs under 20 bucks to build. Say good bye to rooting hormone too, all you need is plain water.

I'll post some pics of the one i built. So far it has worked for tomatoes, stevia, & salvia and a couple other plants. I did a test run with stevia, 1 rooting in water, 1 rooting in perlite, and 1 rooting in the cloner. Cloner had much bigger roots and rooted about 3-4 days earlier than the other methods, even though I used rooting hormone on the perlite one.

The reason I mention all this is because normally to clone something you must cut off most of the leaves to prevent moisture loss due to transpiration, but with this method it seems to work on much larger cuttings without wilting or the need for a humidity dome. So maybe it would work for your big branch.

Also, one trick I learned from a florist is to make the cut on the stem while holding it underwater if possible. This prevents an air bubble from getting inside the stem which would impede the further uptake of water, thus preventing wilting. Try that if you ever have problems with flowers or cuttings wilting even if you put them in water.

thats some good info man.
thanks for sharing.
I dont have access to anything like that what can i use around the house to stimulate roots. did you see the pics i posted and that i have it in? And the remaining plant what will happen to that there about 7 new stalks growing thru the screen about 4-5 inches high with sum nice thick stems. Im scrog growing. And btw im freaking out trying as hard and as possible to sumthing about this before its too late. Right now the cup with just the bottom stem sumerged, i have it under the only light i could find, a fluro. And its real close to it to atleast produce the most photosynthesis i can :/

Btw iv had em in the cup under the flouro light and the leaves havnt even wilted yet
I had a storm come through a few months back, snapped my Bhut`s limbs clean off.

I dipped them in rooting hormone powder & stuck them in potting mix, here`s a movie from today with the broken limbs (little Bhut pod) skip to 2.34 for the clones (broken limbs)
I have 3 chili plants i been growin scrog since they were half a foot tall i topped em a couple times and now i have nokidding about 12 or more new huge stalks growing i spread them out as best as i could and like i said the new tops have hige thick stems i dunno if u can see em in the 2 pics i just took but one of my best tops snaped off! It was starting to tripple tops on it well i trimmed all the leaves below it and the thick stalk is about 3 and a half inches. I have it in soaked potting soil with acedimenifen ( f**k the spelling i need help fast) i cant find rooting hormone in time but look at the pic i have it in now will it work or jus put it in plain water? And sunlight or no sunlight. Plz help! Id appreciate it. But if u could see these 4 chilis there monsters with 10+ new fat stalks growing up! And i want to try to save this top that snapped. Heres the link to the pics. http://s1173.photobucket.com/albums/r590/joebilbow1/ Any help would be greatfull. Im paniking! Lol

put a drop of superthrive in the water and it may just grow roots without a bubbler. I've done that after a large branch broke off a few years ago. It dropped all the fruit and half the leaves before it started to grow roots, but eventually I was able to get it going again.
My mom just came home with a bittle of root powder about an hour later when she got home from work i pulled it out the water dipped it in the powder up the 3 inch stalk and hoping its gonna work :/

Put it back in the water, i really hope this works..