Well, my first pepper growing experiment has taken another bad turn. Several weeks ago, I purchased two plants from a vendor at our local fles market. One was a super Chile that already had a number of small peppers strarting. This one was puchased about a month ago. It looked healthy as a horse but I guess I should have taken the bottle of Malathion concentrate the guy had behing the table as a sign and looked the plant over more closely.
Brought it home and repotted it and it grew well.
A couple of weeks later the same vendor had a beautiful 2016 habanero at his table. Again, pods already started. Again, i should have looked closer.
I should mention that all of my other plants came from either Bonnie Plants or CCN.
About a week ago, almost overnight it seems, both of these plants were suddenly covered in whiteflies. They were still green and healthy looking but they were starting to lose a few leaves. I seperated them from the rest of the plants and beging spraying with a soap mixture that seemed to be having good effect. However, after two sprays, pretty much all the leaves on the Super Chile fell off and probably a third of the leaves on the habanero (pic attached}

The few remaning leaves on the super chile look clean but, just to add to the fun, the Habanero has, in addition to the whiyeflies, small black bugs on the underside of a lot of the larger leaves. I am really having a Hell of a time with an ID on these. I have attached the two clearest pics I could take of them. Any help with an ID and a gameplan for getting rid of them would be appreciated.

I have pretty much written these two kids off due to the severity of the infestation but IO do have the seperated so I do intend to try. Just not very hopeful
I have checked all the other plants I have with a fine tooth comb. I found few whiteflies and immediately began a regimen with insecticidal soap. No eggs seen and none of these little black bastards either.
Any help and guidance will be appreciated
Brought it home and repotted it and it grew well.
A couple of weeks later the same vendor had a beautiful 2016 habanero at his table. Again, pods already started. Again, i should have looked closer.
I should mention that all of my other plants came from either Bonnie Plants or CCN.
About a week ago, almost overnight it seems, both of these plants were suddenly covered in whiteflies. They were still green and healthy looking but they were starting to lose a few leaves. I seperated them from the rest of the plants and beging spraying with a soap mixture that seemed to be having good effect. However, after two sprays, pretty much all the leaves on the Super Chile fell off and probably a third of the leaves on the habanero (pic attached}

The few remaning leaves on the super chile look clean but, just to add to the fun, the Habanero has, in addition to the whiyeflies, small black bugs on the underside of a lot of the larger leaves. I am really having a Hell of a time with an ID on these. I have attached the two clearest pics I could take of them. Any help with an ID and a gameplan for getting rid of them would be appreciated.

I have pretty much written these two kids off due to the severity of the infestation but IO do have the seperated so I do intend to try. Just not very hopeful
I have checked all the other plants I have with a fine tooth comb. I found few whiteflies and immediately began a regimen with insecticidal soap. No eggs seen and none of these little black bastards either.
Any help and guidance will be appreciated