lighting makeshift indoor grow setup question? flo light

hey just found the website not long ago. amazing content btw. I am growing from seed inside(there bout 2-3in now), about 7 diff. peppers. the hottest being the bhut jo. The more they grew the bigger the interest was for me. (its awesomely addictive). i bought a t-12 fixture with 6500K flo. lights 40w. i have a fan on them and a heated blanket on them as well. i'm not trying to have a complete grow inside just getting them sturdy enough to plant outside. I was just inquiring if this is an adequate setup. and how close should they be to the lights. are the lights good enough? I'm a first timer. thank you for any comments and again this website is awesome.
No need for the electric blanket. Lights are okay so try to get them close as possible, maybe 4 inches. Your setup will do to hold them over til they go outside. If you plan to keep them inside; get better lights.
Your good. Definitely don't need an electric blanket. Once they pop, they don't need high heat. I grew mine in a similar setup. I also ran my fan 24-7. They all live outside on the porch now and the wind was way stronger outside. I think they benefited from the all day fan.

Whenever you are ready to go outside, make sure you harden them off. Usually start out with 30 minutes direct sun and then up it 30minutes to an hour more each day until you get them used to a full day. Some people use shade cloth for that (AJ comes to mind). They won't be used to the sun and will most likely die if you plant out before they are acclimated.

Happy growing and good luck!
all awesome info i have been taking them outside for a couple hours at a time but i cant wait to get this stuff going. Unfortunately know i have a bug problem i have to deal with