food Making Pulled Chicken :)

Hey gang, I'm making pulled chicken.

First what I've done was to SLOW cook the chicken over night until fully cooked, Then I poured out the chicken into a drain dish, ten I went ahead and shredded the chicken by hand and de-boned the chicken, Then put new water into the slow cooker and added, Thyme, Curry, Cumin, chillies powder, salt, Black pepper, just a pinch of all the herbs, and then I just got done making a second batch of Dr Pepper which will get done cooking around 1:30 Michigan time!

I'll take some photo's when its done ok?

Added photo's

By the way the chicken is in it's second bunch of water but this time with it's flavoring and de-boned status.




Not the cooking man that sounds great. But you can't properly torture people with delicious food unless you post a huge picture of it. :lol:
Txclosetgrower said:
Not the cooking man that sounds great. But you can't properly torture people with delicious food unless you post a huge picture of it. :lol:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ok you want pictures bro?

I'll take some hang on.