Mantis Pepper

Scared the crap out of me.
AJ Drew said:
Maybe I am nuts, but I swear he is looking right into the camera.
He was.
Btw I have no idea what that plant is but it probably comes from seeds or pods I got from you last year.  I call it R2D2 its about 3' tall and no pods yet.  I just ordered 2 different seeds from you last year and I paid next to nothing for them.  They came in a big box packed with pods and some goat pepper seeds too,  I planted all my seeds with poor labels and now all are mystery plants.   
Thank you sir for awesome customer service.   
Had my morning coffee and cigarette with this dude this morning:


Scared the living shit out of me. I was on my (covered) front porch. It must've been walking around on the ceiling, because it just dropped down onto its back to the floor, right in front of my face. Almost landed on my lap, hahaha! I probably jumped 3 feet up in the air out of my chair :rofl:
Was out running errands all day. Came home and this dude was still around! Hanging out on my chair on the porch! I think he's getting a little too comfortable here :rofl:



It's crazy. I honestly haven't seen one of these things in like 25 years, and never one this big. I remember seeing a couple of really small green ones when I was a little kid, but that's about it