seeds-germination Manzano germination issue

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Fresh is best !!! And like smokemaster said. Blackest. Seed. I have heard some folks making compost tea and soaking it or 24*. I've had no issues. Let me know if you want me to send you plants
Could be part of the problem, seeds are grey, brownish and black. Not dark black like some I have gotten in SASBE. Thanks for the offer, but plants,  if you are really referring to plants, would never survive the trip here. Temps are -15 to 22 throughout the week.
Burning Colon said:
you may wish in looking at seed scarification.
+1 - sulfuric acid or potassium hydroxide soak, or even scratching it with a scalpel. I would do that and use GA3 then germinate in rockwool with 3 ml/gal H2O2 keeping it wet. That's probably overkill but I'd be shocked if you didn't get great results.
HP22BH said:
Could be part of the problem, seeds are grey, brownish and black. Not dark black like some I have gotten in SASBE. Thanks for the offer, but plants,  if you are really referring to plants, would never survive the trip here. Temps are -15 to 22 throughout the week.
you can also slice up a pod... get all the seeds and just toss them all in soil.... let me know if you later change your mind on the plants.. im not growing any.. but can surely toss them and get them to grow come plant out
I was soaking my seeds, put in small pots on March,6th, all popped up (more or less) excepting the rocoto (others were 7pod, few kind of habaneros, ...). Now they are about 5-6cm, rocoto still nothing. Yesterday I told myself, I will dig a bit to see if the seeds still be there or are rotten. And the big surprize was to see they started to grow! I think today or tomorrow will pop up.
I think the problem is (at least sometime) the patience, and I think also is good to have a warm soil. I have put the pots close to my heater in the last days.
I think it is just an issue of market fruit being picked before the seed get a chance to be viable. I got som orange manzanos from Hendrix1326. They germinated right away and are doing good. Ill get some reds and yellows in time.