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cone9 said:
Anyone in Ohio growing manzano plants?  If so, please share your experience.
Thanks to SM I have plenty of seed.  I plan to start some at a couple different times this winter and transplant outside once the frost is past.  I'd like to try a couple different growing conditions as to light/shade and in ground vs potted.
They will grow fine in Ohio. A lot of it depends on the actual variety. I have a couple I started early March and I have been eating pods off of them for the last month. If you can get fruit to set early,you are on your way.The pods themselves take forever to ripen.They may need a bit of shade on hot days but give them a solid amount of light,and don't skimp on the ferts. If you are going with pots,make sure you go big,and make sure you have the sides of the containers shaded from direct sun.
Rocotos and/or Manzanos are my favorite pepper.  Unfortunately, I have had little luck growing them.  Thankfully, the local produce market normally has orange Manzanos for sale ($6.99/lb). 
romy6 said:
 I am giving them one more shot. Gonna try to grow them in the winter here. Just had one pop his head. I am thinking perfect winter weather in Florida for a pube:) 
I put 9 seeds in dirt today from a yellow manzano I received from prodigalson  :dance:  with the hope to "over winter" one or two plants. Best of luck Jamie-  Not sure how they will like the Maine weather here but hopefully I get the chance to find out.  :P