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condiment maple cutting board salsa

We love this time of year [which in the Valley lasts  only 5 weeks !] where we have a plethora of ingredients  to make this cutting board salsa 
 one glass or plastic bowl 
  7-8 green onions  or a sweet onion medium sized , chopped  ,
cover with white vinegar  1/8 cup 
 let sit 15 mins,
 While it is soaking chop up the rest  below 
add  1  fresh hot pepper chopped  [ I use a thai ] 
one red or orange sweet pepper chopped ,
3 med. tomatoes , pulp removed  and chopped ,
 hand full of flat leaf parsley , chopped fine ,
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup ,
 1/2 teaspoon of salt
 stir , serve 
of course you can up the ante and make it hotter  , or sub in sugar for the maple  syrup  [ we make our own so we use it in a lot of our cooking !]
tim storey said:
We love this time of year [which in the Valley lasts  only 5 weeks !] where we have a plethora of ingredients  to make this cutting board salsa 
 one glass or plastic bowl 
  7-8 green onions  or a sweet onion medium sized , chopped  ,
cover with white vinegar  1/8 cup 
 let sit 15 mins,
 While it is soaking chop up the rest  below 
add  1  fresh hot pepper chopped  [ I use a thai ] 
one red or orange sweet pepper chopped ,
3 med. tomatoes , pulp removed  and chopped ,
 hand full of flat leaf parsley , chopped fine ,
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup ,
 1/2 teaspoon of salt
 stir , serve 
of course you can up the ante and make it hotter  , or sub in sugar for the maple  syrup  [ we make our own so we use it in a lot of our cooking !]
I like this recipe. Very different with the maple. I work in a fancy restaurant where we change the menu based on the season. As it is fall now, I'll have to get my head chef to consider doing something like this for a special one day