• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mas Fuego's South Florida Grow 2017

With any luck I can make this a fairly interesting grow log for the beginners like me. If you want to follow a professional grower to glean pro-style tips, keep moving. If you want to watch a guy stumble along the road of gardening, you are in the right place!

I am in south Florida so I don't have a frost to worry about. it does get cold(ish) around February and theoretically I should wait till then to go outside but like I said, I am not a pro.
The plan is to grow in pots on a drip irrigation system that I plan to build.
I will try to track my seeds and where they came from:
Currently Growing
Jalapeno - Burpee
Serano - Burpee [Not gonna grow]
Brazilian Ghost  - Forum  [Probably Not gonna grow]
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet - Forum
White Hab - Ebay [None have made fully germinated]
Chocolate Hab - EBay  [Probably Not gonna grow]
Yellow 7 Pot - Forum   [Probably Not gonna grow]
Red Sweet Pepper - Ebay
Carolina Reaper - Forum
Cucamellon - eBay - these take off!
Pickle Cuke - eBay
Homestead Tomato - eBay
Floridade Tomato - eBay
Tomatillo - scrapped out of a tomatillo from Publix
Awaiting Arrival
Habanero Paper Lantern - Juanitos
cumari do para - Juanitos

Still Trying To Source
sweetheart pepper
Sweet Lunchbox Mini Peppers
Sugar Rush Peach Pepper
(basically any mild, sweet peppers)
Ají Lemon Drop
Malawi Piquante
Several things to update:
1.  I am not very good a germinating seeds. I think I have had them in too warm a place. On top of the router is cooking them I think. I now have seeds in three different locations germinating three different ways. Surly I will find a successful system eventually.
2. My new soil that I bought is nothing more than peat moss and perlite. I already have that at home. Nonetheless I am going with it.
3. My Reaper is loaded with pods! I think this is the time of year for that. No pics, next time.
4. Got my drip system going. Still a work in progress but here are a few pics


5. Ordered a bunch of seeds from Trade Winds Fruit.
got 2 grow ya a couple of yellow 7pods , great powder !      :party:
mas_fuego said:
With any luck I can make this a fairly interesting grow log for the beginners like me. If you want to follow a professional grower to glean pro-style tips, keep moving. If you want to watch a guy stumble along the road of gardening, you are in the right place!

I am in south Florida so I don't have a frost to worry about. it does get cold(ish) around February and theoretically I should wait till then to go outside but like I said, I am not a pro.
The plan is to grow in pots on a drip irrigation system that I plan to build.
I will try to track my seeds and where they came from:
Currently Growing
Jalapeno - Burpee
Serano - Burpee [Not gonna grow]
Brazilian Ghost  - Forum  [Probably Not gonna grow]
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet - Forum
White Hab - Ebay [None have made fully germinated]
Chocolate Hab - EBay  [Probably Not gonna grow]
Yellow 7 Pot - Forum   [Probably Not gonna grow]
Red Sweet Pepper - Ebay
Carolina Reaper - Forum
Cucamellon - eBay - these take off!
Pickle Cuke - eBay
Homestead Tomato - eBay
Floridade Tomato - eBay
Tomatillo - scrapped out of a tomatillo from Publix
Awaiting Arrival
Habanero Paper Lantern - Juanitos
cumari do para - Juanitos

Still Trying To Source
sweetheart pepper
Sweet Lunchbox Mini Peppers
Sugar Rush Peach Pepper
(basically any mild, sweet peppers)
Ají Lemon Drop
Malawi Piquante
you have down probably not growing next to yellow 7 pod ,,  if you haven't grown this one yet , you should ,  it makes for a great powder 
mas_fuego said:
My last plant from last year. Did almost nothing as I learned how to keep it happy. I think I got it dialed in that last month or so.
Trinidad Scorpian
It's the weather.  With the relaxing of the heat and humidity, plant growth really takes off.  It should normally be a little cooler here at this time of year, but since it isn't, most everything is going nuts with growth.
There may be some lingering issues that pop back up when the full-on summer weather turns back on.  For sure, you're gonna see some foliage issues when the temperature suddenly changes - and it always does.  But it's nothing that isn't manageable.  Just don't freak out if/when you see it happen!
The one drawback with your fertigation system, will be if you have any PH issues with the final solution.  You won't be able to adjust it with that type of system.  Quite possibly, at some point, you'll have to do a slurry test to determine PH of your containers, and PH the nutrient mix.  Between the two, you may need to come up with a buffering plan.
solid7 said:
It's the weather.  With the relaxing of the heat and humidity, plant growth really takes off.  It should normally be a little cooler here at this time of year, but since it isn't, most everything is going nuts with growth.
I refuse to believe that it is not my increasing plant husbandry.
solid7 said:
The one drawback with your fertigation system, will be if you have any PH issues with the final solution.  You won't be able to adjust it with that type of system.  Quite possibly, at some point, you'll have to do a slurry test to determine PH of your containers, and PH the nutrient mix.  Between the two, you may need to come up with a buffering plan.
I don't know what most of that means. That being said, I have a ph tester thingy. I just have to figure how to use it.

I add lime to my mix but think in the future I will add it to the container. I am doing drip irrigation but I can easily not do that for a few days to dose manually.
mas_fuego said:
I refuse to believe that it is not my increasing plant husbandry.
I'm sure that you're coming along nicely.  I'm just saying, don't let any environmental setbacks throw you a curveball.  I still haven't found a way to make it over the yearly bump, when the seasons change from spring-and-a-half to summer.  LOL
You may find yourself among the ranks of so many others who will eventually post a pic of some kind of twisty curly leaves... It happens.  In fact, it usually happens in mid to late June :D
The 7 Pot Yellow is one of my favorite peppers.
Big, blocky pods with some real heat and decent
flavor.  So prolific I haven't grown them for awhile.
Really worth growing...
When dried and ground the powder is awesome.
I like to grind it as fine as I can, then sift the larger
pieces out to get a nice smooth grind.  The pieces are
a great condiment, as well.
Have grown a great Bonda Ma Jacques x Yellow 7also
which was awesome as well.  The cross came from
Gary (Windchicken).
Time for a not so exciting update . . . unless you like pics of very little plants:
Aji Lemon Drop starting to say hi. Day 4

Aji Habanero

Aji Omnicolor

Red Paper Lantern

Scotch Bonnet MOA

Jobito Pepper

I have some Cumari Do Para growing but they are all hammerheads. Hoping they have some breakthrough soon.
I started seeds several ways. The ones that I put on top of the peat pellets have been sprouting the quickest. We will see how they grow.
Bout half of these pods are ripe. Half still green
Trinidad Moruga Scorpian

I had this marked as a cucumellon. Either I got bad seeds or I planted pickling cucumbers here.
Almost certainly, it is.  I can't ever seem to keep squash, zucchini, etc, on account of the caterpillars.  I can find them with blacklight, but there's so many, and some are so tiny.  Yours ought to be good size, though, judging by the size of those incisions...
It could also be crickets or grasshoppers, but to be honest, I've just not seen that many in Florida.  Except for those things out towards the swamp and sawgrass, that seem to get about 4" long and an inch wide.  Never seen the near green plants, though.