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Massive amount of oil from damaged Reaper plant.

A few months ago two of the branches on one of my Reapers snapped off.One broke off completely,the other about 80% with a small amount still connected to the plant.
I taped it back up and supported it and hoped for the best.In the morning the broken branch was wilting badly so I cut off 70% of the leaves and growing shoots.Over the next few days it seemed to come right and over the next few weeks the pods began to ripen.The other day I harvested the Ripe pods from that branch and noticed that they were softer than pods on other branches.
When I went to cut them open to collect the seeds the oil started dripping out.It was pooling in the bottom of the pods.I have never seen so much oil before.
I wonder if the plant being damaged caused the pods to stress and produce more oil.I cut one pod off a undamaged branch and there was just the usual dew type drops on the inside.
I may snap/damage a few branches of my other plants and see if I can replicate the same thing.
makes sense i reckon. i remember reading about a guy in England who breaks branches, shouts at his plants (lol) etc to try make them hotter.
Similar principal i guess, but one of the hottest pods iv tried was one that had been attacked by a bird or a bug..it had a hole eaten in the side of it. I left the pod to ripen even with the hole in it because it looked gnarly and i hoped the seeds inside would be viable (which they wernt)
my choc habs were wet inside, like dripping, but it was clear and not oily, guessing just lots of water. could be same for you.

There's another post about Morugas full of water too somewhere with a vid...

I must admit that one of my better producing and hotter plants is a chocolate bhut, it fell of a table in the wind ad the trunk split when it bent, taped it up for a few months and it recovered , removed the tape and the trunk is twice as thick now from scaring.. Pods are still going crazy since though months later ..
Swampy_NZ said:
I will have to check the next ones I open.Pretty sure it wasnt water but I didnt try it lol
As you wouldn't want to if it's pure capsaicin lol .. If you get a toothpick dip it in and put The tip on your tongue, if it gets enough burn to give you a wow moment in that spot it's probably pure capsaicin, if it just warms it slightly it could be a watery mix..
I've observed soft pods after a frost or when a plant is going to die for another reason.  Thinking what someone said earlier is right on if the capsicum production is high.  From what I understand, capsicum is an evolutionary defense mechanism.  Somewhere in Asia there is a tradition of putting slivers of wood threw the stalk of another plant to increase resin production.  Seems the plant responds to the damage by producing more of what protects it.

Kind of weird how humans seem to like the things that other critters do not.  Pooped out coffee beans.  Who the hell eats pooped out coffee beans?

ajdrew said:
Kind of weird how humans seem to like the things that other critters do not.  Pooped out coffee beans.  Who the hell eats pooped out coffee beans?

I would love to drink some of those pooped out beans... There like $2000 a kilo aren't they !! I watched a whole doco on them.. You even get several beans set in a clear resin block as a souvenir, problem is customs holds a lot of them up as they contain animal digestive and plant matter...
ajdrew said:
I've observed soft pods after a frost or when a plant is going to die for another reason.  Thinking what someone said earlier is right on if the capsicum production is high.  From what I understand, capsicum is an evolutionary defense mechanism.  Somewhere in Asia there is a tradition of putting slivers of wood threw the stalk of another plant to increase resin production.  Seems the plant responds to the damage by producing more of what protects it.

Kind of weird how humans seem to like the things that other critters do not.  Pooped out coffee beans.  Who the hell eats pooped out coffee beans?

I too would love to get my hands of some poop coffee.  It is suppose to be the best!