nutrients Master Blend

I've used it in simple hydroponics (Kratky) for lettuce, spinach, etc., and as fertilizer for tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. The "standard" recipe for 5 gallons is 12 grams MB, 6 grams epsom salt, and 12 grams calcium nitrate. When I mix one gallon, I use a level half teaspoon of both MB and calcium nitrate and a level one quarter teaspoon of epsom salt. You're supposed to mix the MB first until dissolved, then the ES, then lastly the CN. The way I do it is when the plant is in bloom phase, I use a liquid CalMag solution, then MB. That way I'm not feeding it too much nitrogen.
Ive got calcium acetate also if i wanted to keep the nitrogen lower. A guy on Youtube had a vid with the estimated NPK of a couple mixes and how much to use per plant. The typical amounts you see from SG or MB are for hydro solutions and rather weak for drain to waste unless using them with each watering. I think the SG brand did have a soil use mix listed but its rather hot imo.
In a pinch ive found MG mixed about 1/3rd strength with an equal amount of calcium nitrate works ok. At least it works well enough to stop end rot.