Masters and The Chilli Factory

Could possibly still be right
I'm still waiting for my Yellow CARDI from Masters to start producing. I'll see how it compares once it does.
I realise it's a good thing for ease for the masses... Just not a good thing for people that sell plants at Markets etc who have built up a business over the last few years. Each to their own
I'm afraid I may be in for the same as what Aussie got...
This is meant to be a Trinidad Scorpion CARDI yellow. I'll keep updating as more pods appear.
I bought a yellow bhut jolokia, yellow trinidad 7-pod, fatalii and purple tiger from Masters/The Chilli Factory and they all grew true. I also bought a peter pepper from them that looks like a regular ol' thai chilli, though.  Hit and miss maybe.
My two fatalii look true.
The chocolate hab and the trinidad scorpion cardi yellow are yet to set a pod - both are dropping all their flowers, so cant say yet...
Had my first fatality amongst the four seedlings I bought from this range.  Looks like I overwatered the Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow during the 40 C plus weather we had last week in Melbourne, with the plant wilting during sun up for the next few days.  Decided to bin it and replace it with a Chocolate Habanero from the same range which are on special for $3 each now.
Aussie said:
I also bought a Chilli Factory TS CARDI yellow from Masters. It is starting to produce pods. The pods are elongated:

Last year I grew a plant from Semillas seed stock which had roundish pods with stingers. This Chilli Factory plant gives significantly different pods. Is it a hybrid or just a natural variation? Anyone else out there with pods developing on their Chilli Factory TS CARDI yellows from Masters?
Here is the Chili Factory web page on the Trinidad Scorpion Cardi Yellow:-
The pods in the photo on the web page look elongated as well. 
As with Aussie, the CARDI yellow is quite prolific.
Largest one in the row... no, not my little gardening helper. Although he did want to try and grab all the leaves in sight :rofl:

Fairly large canopy. It dropped a lot of flowers over the 40 degree heat wave we had here in Canberra.

First ripe pod

None of the pods even look like a scorpion

I picked the ripe one, and it wasn't even as hot as a habanero :mope:
It does taste nice though, so that's a bonus.
Here's the inside
lancecook said:
Quick question does masters still sell the chilli factory's chilli plants ?
Who knows but I would think it will be far to early to have them yet ... I would assume September at the earliest ..
lancecook said:
Quick question does masters still sell the chilli factory's chilli plants ?
The Master's in Mackay has them, so assume they are still carrying the line.  Maybe coming to a store near you as the weather gets better. 
lancecook said:
Quick question does masters still sell the chilli factory's chilli plants ?
I checked out a couple of Masters stores in the north of Melbourne last weekend.  One store had what looked like stunted, yellowing, poorly grown seedlings for $5 each.  As they looked so bad, I didn't purchase any.
Looks like Masters here in Perth are well stocked up. I was at Clarkson this Saturday and they had loads of these available.
They are very immature plants though, maybe only 2 or 3 sets of leaves, but a great variety.
I would advise you guys to be very careful buying seedlings that orginate from the chilli factory. Marcel is a very shrewd business man but having said that i wouldn't trust a word that he says.
He is in it for the $$$ only and could care less whether or not you get what you pay for.
Bastard still owes me a jacket from Sawtell and that was like 2009 odd. Bloody Frenchy! :flamethrower:
For those curious, Masters are still selling these chillies, although it can be a little difficult to locate stores that sell particular varieties.  I was after some Carolina Reaper, Red Bhut, and Butch T plants and the stores on my side of town had no stock.  I contacted Masters via email and they sent me a list of stores with the varieties I was after.
Masters, Bunnings and Mitre 10 are selling The Chilli Factory seedlings. Even the Spud Shed sells them (WA)!

My profile pic is a TCF yellow scorpion. One plant produced the scorpion stinger shape (I overwintered and still have this plant) whilst two others I had produced the more elongated shape like the previous examples in this thread.

The thing is though that my yellow TCF scorpions were all grown from seeds that were supposed to be Caroliner Reapers that my wife bought me from TCF.. These were the only seeds I bought and they are certainly NOT Reapers. I emailed TCF about it asking if it was possible I may have yellow reapers and they were interested until pods from my other plants ripened and it was obvious that I had been given the wrong seeds and all of a sudden I didn't hear from them again. No apologies for the mix up no replacement nothing so won't be buying from them again!

I overwintered three plants though, the crazy stinger shaped pod plant, the elongated pod plant and another plant that has darker coloured stems which I never got fruit off as I started so late last season. Dark stems I heard are a reaper thing so hopefully still got a reaper from the 'reaper seeds'.