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Matt and the ButchT

Chad strikes again. He said that this was hot, but I wasn't expecting what I got hit with.



I have said in the past how it is extremely difficult to accurately gauge which pepper is hotter. I have eaten my fair share of superhots, and most fall in that "Stupid Hot" range with a few floating to the top and the yellows hovering along the bottom. But when you take two similar chilis and try to compare them, sometimes the only difference is the flavor. So I try just to lump them in groups. With that being said, the ButchT is in a group of its own.

The flavor hit right up front. Fruity, clean taste, and the heat was a bit slow to build. But once it hit, WOW! I really dont know what to say. This one is wicked. I reverted back to the physical restrictions and issues I had when I ate the Assam a little while back. This was a bit more severe, as I had trouble with my face, legs, and hands. Really crazy.

Also, new to this one was the feeling I got after the experience was over. I know, it sounds crazy, but I felt this amazing relaxation that made me just want to lay on the ground and listen to my heart beat.

I have no doubts as to how this one got into the Guinness Club. Thanks for the experience Chad.

Chad strikes again. He said that this was hot, but I wasn't expecting what I got hit with.

Thats is hands down the best pepper testing video I have ever seen.Cracked up at the end comments...thats your system getting flooded with endorphins.
That's 3 HOOYAHS....
Keep your powder dry-
Dave :beer:
12 minutes of hell, thats about right. You have tamed the beast, it will be difficult to match it for heat and the flavor is great. When I first took a crack at it I thought ya thats pretty hot, but it just increased in wave after wave, you almost wonder if its aver going to stop, I thought you handled it great.

Congrats on tackling the beast :woohoo:

Awesome video, very well done. I'm extremely impressed that you could coherently provide feedback throughout the course of the experience. I would have just made gasping noises inbetween frantic fits of dairy consumption.
Another superb review. Excellent description as usual. Keep the reviews coming just don't review any peppers i sent you cause they will taste like a bell after that :onfire:
We need to find a way for this to be live broadcast so there can be real time commenting. lol Good vid again....long way from that first Yellow Scorpion.

Thats is hands down the best pepper testing video I have ever seen.Cracked up at the end comments...thats your system getting flooded with endorphins.
That's 3 HOOYAHS....
Keep your powder dry-
Dave :beer:

Thanks man, Its funny what kinds of things you think about when you hit that rush. I think I have been misinterpreting the endorphin rush in the past. This was undeniable. Thanks for the comments.

12 minutes of hell, thats about right. You have tamed the beast, it will be difficult to match it for heat and the flavor is great. When I first took a crack at it I thought ya thats pretty hot, but it just increased in wave after wave, you almost wonder if its aver going to stop, I thought you handled it great.

Congrats on tackling the beast :woohoo:


Thanks I really appreciate your hookups. I gotta say, nothing that you have sent has disappointed. I actually got my buddy into the "life" with your stuff. He asks about it all the time so I decided to make up a grab bag for him. He texted me the choco hab is done, and he is gonna wait a bit and try one of the supers I gave him. Here is the best part, he was like "hey, so do you just like take the seeds out and put them in a pot?". I was like, kinda, check out this website and you will learn everything you need to know. :rofl:. Once he starts to hover I KNOW he is gonna be hooked. So your garden is hooking up chiliheads everywhere!

Awesome video, very well done. I'm extremely impressed that you could coherently provide feedback throughout the course of the experience. I would have just made gasping noises inbetween frantic fits of dairy consumption.

Lol. I doubt it. You have been tackling the toughest peppers in the world at a much faster rate than I. The talking helps me get through it and not dwell on the fact that I feel like my body is exploding.

Another superb review. Excellent description as usual. Keep the reviews coming just don't review any peppers i sent you cause they will taste like a bell after that :onfire:

:rofl: dont worry, those are going into dinner! I am really excited to try something that I can add to a meal instead of having to be its own event! lol. But thanks for the comments and as long as they are growing, Ill keep eating. I am just really hoping that I can be reviewing my stuff next year!

Great Review!!!
haha I love that pepper rush!!

Thanks, yea that rush is amazing. I almost thought about eating another one after it wore off. But then I remembered what my body went through and decided to PASS.

Nice video man! Way to ride the heat out. Like you I was not ready for the heat on the Scorpion I tried.

Lol. I thought I was set. But the scorpions I tried in the past and some of the others didn't really prep me for this one. I think that there really isnt much one can do to "prep" for this. Maybe what Captain is doing by eating every stupid hot chili out there.

:dance: wow, awesome video :mouthonfire: man!


We need to find a way for this to be live broadcast so there can be real time commenting. lol Good vid again....long way from that first Yellow Scorpion.


That would be awesome! I would totally be down. Could you imagine, You: What are you feeling?, Jamie: HAHAHAHA, Chad: Wow, you ate the whole half? Me: STFU!!! I cant feel my face!!!

Gotta do it. :rofl:
Hi Matt,

happy to send stuff your way, its nice to see someone who can handle the pain and still give an accurate description of the flavor, texture, heat, and pain. You do a great job with the reviews, next season there will be many new varieties to torture you w.... I mean uh for you to try.

Have a great one,
