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Matt's 2011 Season Starts

Well its been another long winter and it continues to press on. I tried starting some seeds a few weeks ago and got bad results. I did manage to grow some of that fuzzy white mold though :D I got some seeds from Shane (member) and put them in peat pucks, they are slowly coming along. I also threw away all my old stuff and bought new today, so here goes.

So far I have:
3 Santiago Hybrid - Sadams
3 Numex Vaquero - Sadams
1 Ghost - my seeds last year
4 Jalabanero - my seeds Last year
Still waiting on the Aji Limons to pop up, hopefully any day now.

Today I sowwed more seeds. I put 2 seeds into each divider, hoping something good will come of it.
What I planted today:
12 Ghost - my seeds last year
12 Douglah - my seeds last year
12 Scorpion Red - my seeds last year
12 Scorpion CARDI - my seeds last year

Not going to post any pictures yet, you all know what dirt looks like. LOL
Ok, 11 newborns in cups. They look so tiny right now, hard to even see, but heres the first lot. I purchased a 3 c/ft bag of soil from my friend that runs a greenhouse. He got a deal on a different kind of soil this year and I liked the way it looks, nice mix of perelite and not much for garbage in it (sticks/twigs/crap).
Wow, havent updated and it slipped all the way to page 6! Oops. LOL Anyways, here is an update. Things are going ok, not as crazy with seedlings as last year.

Ok so heres the seedlings I have in pots, went straight to the roundies cause I got tired of repotting last year, mistake? IDK but we will see...


Heres some more newbies waiting for their own pots, gotta get some more first...

And finally are the over wintered plants. Heres 3 Yellow Bhut Jolokia plants I have been growing since last summer. I got the seeds late in the year and figured they wouldnt do anything outside so I have been growing them in my bedroom in a growbox. Well they have outgrown that and I repotted them, put them in front of the window (sun exposure sucks though) and put up a 4 foot shoplight. I have 1 pod so far, but lots of flowers.

The only pod so far...

A closer up of it hiding, I didnt even realize it was there until I had it out of its old pot and in the new one (bigger pot)...

My other overwintered plant from last year is a Shishito. Japanese pepper for those un-familiar with it. Not hot but tasty red or green.
Not alot to show except I am pleased to announce the arrival of 13 baby Douglahs and 12 Trinidad Scorpions. Man these Douglahs take a long time to germinate, but once they did they all came up within 2 days. Gonna be a hot hot pod summer for me...
Big update this time. Its been 3 weeks almost since I have posted anything here and lots have grown. I have decided on 6 of each plant, except Scorpion Reds, Douglahs and Purple Jolokias, since all 12 came up, they will all get planted.

The Bhuts, 4 look really good, 2 are just kinda hanging out, they all came up together and got transplanted at the same time, but the 2 on the left are just being stubborn...

The Douglahs are doing ok, I cant wait for these this year, last year I only had 2 plants cause thats all that germinated, but this year...


to be continued...
The 4 in the back are Jalabaneros and the 7 in the front are Habaneros...

These are Jalapenos and No Heat Jalapenos, most are planted for coworkers, but I will keep 6 of each for myself...

Purple Jolokias and Big Bells...

12 Scorpion Red on the left and then there are 6 Brain Strain (2 are up so far, these seemed hard to germinate, anyone else have troubles with them?), 6 Choc Ghost (still waiting for them to come up) and 6 Habalokia (thanks again Sadams)...

to be continued...
And now the stars of the show, since they are the oldest of the plants I have, the Yellow Ghost. I trimmed them all back cause they had some damaged leaves and some branches were going wild...

The one and only Yellow Ghost pod is just about ripe, how long should I leave it after it turns all yellow before I pick it? I want good seeds from it...
Plants look good Matt. I usually wait about 4 days after full color for seeds. The yellow bhuts usually have a lot of seeds in them, so that one pod should give you plenty.
wow matt. Very nice progress. I love the silver insulation. Same stuff I use. bought at lowes. Not cheap but seems to reflect decent and holds in the heat.
wow matt. Very nice progress. I love the silver insulation. Same stuff I use. bought at lowes. Not cheap but seems to reflect decent and holds in the heat.
Yep thats where I got it, comes in a big roll and no its not cheap, but works good, kinda like aluminum foil covered bubble wrap.
2 1/2 week update
These are my Purple Jolokias. From what I have been able to find out about them, they arent leggy for the breed, supposed to be a tall slender plant with purplish foliage and purple flowers, kinda cayenne shaped peppers that go from purple to mahogony to red. The leaves are curling, but I dont know why. I just potted them up today from the solo cups they were in, so maybe that will help, they were getting a little root bound.

My Jalabaneros and Habaneros are coming along fine. Like last year, I planted too soon and everything is getting big, plant out wont be for atleast 4 more weeks.

4 Bhuts on the left and 6 CARDIs on the right, I think they are looking nice.

Trinidad Scorpions. They all germinated and took off, so they all get to live. One is going to a co worker, since he loved them so much last year, gonna let him grow his own.
And finally the newest family members. I planted 6 more red Bhuts because somehow I lost a couple. The Chocolate Bhuts are coming along nicely as well. Habalokia and Brain Strain from SAdams are going to be winners as well (the back 12)
Wow, 3 months without an update, I am such a tard. LOL Anyways, the season is going ok for me. The Jalapenos, Banana and Fooled You Jalapenos are growing well, lots of flowers. The superhots are fighting me tooth and nail, but I think I have won the battle as they are FINALLY starting to get taller and I see signs of flowers coming on, should have open flowers on the Scorpions this week.

The weather has been crazy here, cold, hot, cold, humid and hot, etc. Last week we were humid and in the upper 80's and a few days it was nearly 100, things really grew. I removed all the little sucker leaves from my plants. Everything below the first Y is gone, seems to make the plant grow a little better and this, to me anyways, seems like wasted energy, I dont see flowers below this point on the plants anyways. Ok, so onto some pictures...

My father calls this Gringo Island since nothing here is too hot for him to eat, Japs, No Heat Japs, Bananas & Beaver Dam

Last year I had way too many plants, this year I cut back dramatically, only have one side of the fence covered. Habalokias, Jalabaneros, Douglahs and Yellow Ghost

My Purple Jolokias. After taking the picture I noticed some of the flowers are gerring crusty, but underneath the pods are setting!

Trinidad Scorpions, seeds from last year, original seeds came from AJ

Red Bhut Jolokia, seeds from last year

Yellow Scorpion CARDI, seeds from last year
Chocolate Bhuts, seeds from Asias Garden

Brain Strain 7 Pot, damn rabbits attacked them and they have slowly been coming back. I know, I should get some chicken wire fence but I keep forgetting

Corn? Looks alot better than last years crop and there is more of it. And also you can see my pumpkins on the end, I have 2 Jackolantern plants and 2 Ghost Pumpkin plants

Ok, anyone remember the Yellow Bhut picture from above? The very first pod was nice and yellow, hot as hell too. This is the same plant, now the pods are orange, whats with that??? I will pick it later today and taste test it, probably gonna kill me but thats the fun of growing superhots, right?