color Maui Purple

I've seen a few pictures of this pepper in different threads, looks beautiful!

For those of you who have grown this pepper, how does it taste in either the unripe purple stage or the ripe red stage? How have you used it? Is it seedy and thin skinned like many other ornamental types, and therefore only useful dried?

In other words can I use this as an ornamental and in the kitchen?

Last of all, does anyone know where I can find some seeds of this chile if it ends up highly recommended?

Maui Purple is a wonderful pepper, and though it looks like an Annuum it is actually a Chinense. It is very hot!! alot hotter than a "normal" cayyenne type pepper. It also has a great flavor, I would recommend it for sure. :)
Here is a piccy :)

If ya need some seeds lemme know
C. annuum x frutescens var. 'Maui Purple'

Could this be what it actually is?

I'm growing Maui Purple this season as well! Seems like one of the few flavorful ornamentals and also very hot.
In my understanding is more probably an annuum or annuum x chinense hybrid of some kind.


i think spicegiest is correct look at the leaves and erect pods not Chinesen lookin

maybe, there are actually a handful of chinenses that have erect pods such as cumari do para and pimenta morango to name two...

and it's hard to tell if this would be a dominant trait in a given cross, i haven't experimented much with these myself...
Great plant judging from the one I grew last year. Not entirely sure if it was the exact same variety (the nursery mislabeled the plant to begin with), but it looked shockingly like the picture. About half the pods actually turned purple on mine, with the rest being red. Had a good level of heat, about what you'd expect from really spicy Thai food. Lots of flowers as well.