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seeds maximum germination temp for Butch T

What is the maxiumum allowable germination temp. I my second round of butch T peppers started in seed starting trays over heat mats with domes and the temp is in the 110F to 115F range. Is that too high? I started the others indoors and they were fine at 90-95F germination temp. It there a temp that is too high?
Your temps are far too high. I germinated butch t seeds in 105 degree weather outside, but the temp dropped to 80 at night. Your constant high temp will cook your seeds.

Just my experience.
Think of it like this:

If you're out in 110-115 degree weather.. You'd probably won't be doing much but lounging around trying to stay cool.

If you're out in 80-85 degree weather... You'd probably be more active (boating, fishing, park, etc..)

Your seeds will do the same. Something to ponder...

Good luck!
Although I am fairly new to growing peppers I have found out that my Butch T's get about 75% germination in 14 days running at a constant 84 degrees. Then I get a few stragglers after that. Right now I would rather be on the slower safe side as my last effort at higher temps (95 degrees) only gave me about 10% germination, the rest were toast.