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Maximum Growth With Foliar Feeding

The above article states that " Foliar feeding should never be used as the the sole source of plant nutrition" that cought my attn... I also read some of your posts about it and correct me if I'm wrong ...you practice foliar feeding has your sole source of nutrition ? Or do you also add liquid fertilizer into the soil ? Cheers ...

I personally ONLY did bi-weekly foliar feeding last year on all of my plants and they did fine. I also foliar feed them with worm tea on the opposite week and as always I use the excess brewed tea to add directly to the soil since it contains billions of beneficial organisms. I have read that it shouldn't be your "only" source of feeding, but I like to just experiment and my plants didn't seem to be in need of additional ferts so I didn't bother with them.

One thing that I didn't quite catch from this was whether or not the fertilizers are absorbed entirely through the stomata or if they can be absorbed directly through the cell walls on other parts of the leaves. If they are absorbed entirely (or nearly entirely) through the stomata, one would benefit greatly from focusing spray on the undersides of the leaves rather than the whole plant. If I'm not mistaken the undersides of the leaves hold the majority of the stomata where the spray will be absorbed. I would think it would be best to spray late in the day. The closer to dusk the better. Not only do more stoma open at night when it gets cooler, but the last thing you want is to burn your leaves with the little droplets. They act like little magnifying classes and we all know what sunlight can do to ants :fireball:

I can't recall the exact article, but from my previous research and readings I recall that ALL parts of the plant including fruit will aid in the uptake of nutrients when you foliar feed, but the most import part of the plant to focus on is underneath the plants leaves.

I would normally spray just after sunset.