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seeds May Be Controversial But, Germination Percent by Supplier


As most of you know by now, I am pretty anal retentive with keeping data on my plants. I planted 576 seeds in 8-72 cell trays on 27-28 January 2008. This morning I updated my sprout list. The total results are on my "2008 Major Planting" Blog, but I wanted to share some information with you all.

If you count only the "major suppliers" of seeds that I have planted, the best germination percent was Tomato Growers coming in at 71.15% so far. The next two are THP members (grouped all together) and CPI-NMSU coming in at 70.8%...virtually tied. These three suppliers account for more than half the seeds I planted.

I am pleased with a 70+ percent germination rate in 13 days and expect that number to increase over the next 2 weeks (at that time, the seeds chance to germinate ends)

Will update this message at the 30 day mark.

I still have several varieties that have not sprouted at all....so I am thinking...bad seed lot or just not long enough for germination to take place.
Very good information AJ. I think this will help people to decide whom to order their seed from next year. I'd like to know which varieties have not sprouted at all. I made a mistake by putting quick sprouting varities in the same tray with say a Jolokia. The dome came off to early for the jolokia and I think that hurt my germintion rate for some long germinting varities. Just a thought.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Very good information AJ. I think this will help people to decide whom to order their seed from next year. I'd like to know which varieties have not sprouted at all.

Thanks Cappy...

After my 30 day germination period, I will collect the information and post variety by variety and the percent germination for each.

I have been saying that I really liked Seedmans stuff, but his germination rate so far is only 20%....less than Reimers at 26%. I hope this changes in the next two weeks.
Unwins in the UK have had o% so far for me, but then I don't know how the person who gave the seeds to me had stored them. I've bought a new lot from Unwins to try.
The only bad seeds I've ever got were from Reimers. Even the ones that do germinate are usually not what they are supposed to be.
i really didn't sprout large enough sample sizes for my rates to be relevent but i did get some degree of sproutage from every variety. the only one that gave me worry was the chacoense which waited juuuust long enough for me to reveal to the board how irrationally impatient i am, then they started sprouting like gangbusters. i used chilesees.co.uk, peppermania, and terra time and tide.
Percent Germination by Variety...

There are 16 varieties that have yet to germinate/sprout...(planting date 27-28 January 2008) 3 of those are "tepin" types which will get the full 30 days to germinate then to the trash...I am going to replant the 13 varieties that have not germinated/sprouted yet in hopes of having plants ready to transplant in March....

Today is transplanting to 9 oz cups time....
My best seeds came from rareseeds.com Only 1 out of 17 hasn't germinated. Randell is great to work with and seems to treat every Tom, Dick or Mike who orders seed from him as someone he really cares about. Parkseed.com and chilifarm.com ranked at 1.5 of six that didn't sprout and tomato growers.com was at about the same level. I have to give Kudos to Naturalgardening.com. I e-mailed Dave about the poor germination rate of his habenero seeds and without asking, he sent me a packet of new seeds. Another seed I got from him - Thai Dragon, germinated great.

** Disclaimer - I'm not a veteran pepper grower. I planted all the seeds the same way and treated them the same.

Best for me were Thompson & Morgan, Simpsons were good too but they both don't do a massive variety of chillis. I had some from ebay that didn't germinate at all. That's when I learnt my ebay lesson with seeds.
rainbowberry said:
Best for me were Thompson & Morgan, Simpsons were good too but they both don't do a massive variety of chillis. I had some from ebay that didn't germinate at all. That's when I learnt my ebay lesson with seeds.

11 February 2008, 14-15 days since planting germination percent by supplier. Thompson & Morgan turned out well for me also...

Forgive my first post being in this thread... I've been a very long time lurker and just recently registered.

I planted all of my seeds on January 26, 2008. All have been on a heating mat, under grow lights, in a controlled humidity environment. Each individual seed was planted in its own cell. I hand picked through the seeds to pick the 10 that looked healthiest from each variety.

Bhut Jolokia from New Mexico State's Chili Pepper Institute - 20% germination rate. Please note that these were the last to come up. I anticipate more will come up in the near future.

Ancho from Pepperjoe.com - 100% germination rate. These plants are also the most robust looking of all the seedlings.

Early Jalapeno from Pepperjoe.com - 90% germination rate. Despite the conditions described above, these plants are really leggy like they are not getting enough light. Odd...

Golden Habanero from Pepperjoe.com - 80% germintion rate.

Thai Dragon (hybrid) from my own seed collection. Originally sourced from Burpee in 2006. - 80% germination rate.
Welcome on board, Vicar! Don't apologize, I didn't make a formal introduction until my third or forth post and nobody's kicked me out.

Well, not successfully, anyway.
Vicar said:
Forgive my first post being in this thread... I've been a very long time lurker and just recently registered.

No problem and welcome to the boards....

The type of information I am sharing and what you are sharing is exactly what this board is all about....making us all better pepper gardeners....but then again, you know that if you have been lurking for a while...

Again, Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas
Just an update on my happy little batch...

Bhut Jolokia from New Mexico State's Chili Pepper Institute - 60% germination rate. This is up considerably from the 20% last week. I actually expect more to pop up any day now. This is my first batch of bhut's. They must be slow germinators.

Ancho from Pepperjoe.com - 100% germination rate. Absolutely beautiful plants so far. I'm getting all excited about some killer chili relleno.

Early Jalapeno from Pepperjoe.com - Up to 100% now, although some of them are kinda puny looking. This will definitely be a batch that I cull some out of.

Golden Habanero from Pepperjoe.com - 80% germintion rate. No change here.

Thai Dragon (hybrid) from my own seed collection. Originally sourced from Burpee in 2006. - 80% germination rate. No change here either.
AlabamaJack said:
The type of information I am sharing and what you are sharing is exactly what this board is all about....

i can't agree more AJ, like i never would have known to stay away from reimers if i hadn't joined this board.
Anyone have a report from peppermania? My results have been very hit and miss. All of the annums I got from her (about 5 varieties) have had about 90% germination, but the chinences have been about 1% lol. Planted 6 each of Scorpion, fatalii, and chocolate scotch bonnet, and had just one of the 18 seeds sprout. Planted them 4 weeks ago same process as all of the rest, and just one measley scotch bonnet. I know some are slow to get going so I am trying to be patient, but I am getting very frustrated with these!
i got cumari from her and that sprouted fine... so fine that i planted one more then i planned for...the rest i got from her were pretty good too, thats actually where i got the twins from.
gardenkiller, it is just the variety you are trying to sprout, the chinense are more hit and miss that annuums. Beth has fine seeds and you need to plant more of them to get a robust seedling. That is my experience with the ultra hots, not peppermania in any way.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
gardenkiller, it is just the variety you are trying to sprout, the chinense are more hit and miss that annuums. Beth has fine seeds and you need to plant more of them to get a robust seedling. That is my experience with the ultra hots, not peppermania in any way.

That's what I thought too, just wanted to make sure I wansn't crazy. She is by far the beast dealer I have bought from. Guess I will keep staring at the seeds cheering them on!