Medium flat rate box of pods***CLOSED***

Yes these are of the same pods I harvested from SS garden

Will be a mixture of TSMB Satan strain, Billy Boy Douglah, Scotch Bonnet TFM, peach Bhut, sb7j, white 7 pot, Douglah X 7 SR, Cream Fatalii, Aji Pineapple, Bahamian Goat, UBSC, madballz, Sepia Serpent, Butch T X Yellow Scorpion, Sunrise Scorpion, Jay's red ghost scorp, might be a couple of others that I forgot. Anyways a good mix of alot of different varieties.

US only and PayPal only

Price is $30

I'm only going to fill 2 of these. Post here if interested
Damn 30 shipping included?   I am still sitting on a load of pods from Judy,  been just sharing them with everyone,  but this is hard to pass up!   Lol
Ok, so I'm at work and I've been sharing some of the peppers I get with a couple of coworkers . When I tell them about this, they go like " Holy shiiiieett!!, get it and let's split the cost and the pods!" Sooooo.... I couldn't hold myself either LOL. Fix me a box and send me your details for payment. Thanks!

, Walter
illWill said:
Damn 30 shipping included?   I am still sitting on a load of pods from Judy,  been just sharing them with everyone,  but this is hard to pass up!   Lol
I'm sorry but it's hard to interpret things online, but were you actually wanting a box, or just wishful thinking? Lol
Great offer, but I will have to pass. I got the buy 3 get 6 from Judy about a week ago and have pods drying, frozen, a mash fermenting, and am still eating pods with every meal lol. Cream Fatali sounds real interesting
I would love and really appreciate a box..  so darn hard to get peppers here and I'd love to try AJ's puree recipe with some yellow's and red batches.
I'm a total noob to the SH pepper scene but these ones sound interesting to possibly use for the puree's and sauces?
Is it possible to get mostly some of these ones below if you have enough and think they would work well for what I'd be using them for?  Heck  w/e you can work out or suggest to make up the box with I'll be more than grateful for. 
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bahamian Goat
Aji Pineapple
Butch T X Yellow Scorpion
peach bhuts
Jay's red ghost scorp
Douglah X 7 SR
W/E reds you have enough of that would be good for puree
howardsnm1 said:
late to the party again..:(  let me know when you have the offer available again
Howard, let me fill these first two and see what kind of numbers I'm at. I think there would be enough for you one too. I'll let you know