• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megahots 2013 Little grow

  • Grow List
    1-Cayenne slim/long
    2-Aji Cito
    1-Brazilian Starfish
    1--Peri Peri
    1--Thai Dragon
    1- Bishops Crown
  • C. Chinense
    3- Carolina Reaper
    1- Yellow Moruga
  • 1- Bubblegum 7 Pot
  • 1- Chocolate -Scorpion (Bakers)
  • 1- Red -Trinidad Scorp Moruga Blend (Bakers)
  • 1- Red-  7 Pot Brainstrain (Bakers)
Got some seedlings poppin up. :)
 When I get a house I eventually plan on growing SEVERAL plants meaning 20+

The seedlings on the left are Peri-Peri or African Birds Eye, The seedlings on the right are Thai Dragon

You're to kind brother Jamie! Much appreciated! I found him on a co-workers plant at work. I was thinking of bringing him home and putting him on my plants, but I thought I should just leave him be.
Looking good man!! It's very nice to see that you germinated some of the seeds I sent you. Both the Brazilian starfish and the aji cito, just so you know I got those seeds from Dan (RedTailForester). I won a seed giveaway and I gave a lot of it away and it's nice to see the seed put to good use.

Here's a pic of my Brazilian starfish from same seed, it's my bonchi in the making.


, Walter
The pests. *aphids can be other colors other than green.
These aphids were found on the apartment plant premises.
Ajicito is looking good and flowering


Cayenne long is also looking good and flowering


Carolina Reaper starting to get big and budding


Chocolate Scorpion looking good and has some nice big leaves and buds on it


Trinidad Scorpion Moruga blend is nice and bushy as well as has buds


Group shot #1


Group shot #2 along with the Piri Piri, Thai Dragon and Brainstrain


Bubblegum 7 pot slowly but surely moving along


This is my Jays Ghost Scorpion


I think I was supposed to ask for a bump please lol
Looking good Mega! Looks like those are starting to take off.

Looking forward to seeing the choco moruga develop.

Glad to see you're still doing the reviews. I subbed to your channel btw.

, Walter
Much appreciated Walter! I can't wait for the Moruga Chocolate to develope either! Should be fun to watch.
Thanks for subbing to my yt channel! Means a lot brother! Thanks for the kind post!