• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Melissa's 2013 Bigger and Better grow!!

Hey everyone!!

It's been awhile since I have been able to catch up with all my THP friends! Work, family and my continuous grow leaves me no free time.BUT I don't let the lack of free time get in the way of doing what I love, growing! My outdoor season is still going, production is down because they hate the cold but still picking so I am good with that! Plants look sad but even with low 30's nights they are still flowering/setting and ripening pods. I see them on the weekend right now, my step children plants because when I get home from work it's dark! lol

I have been busy behind the scenes getting a super early head start on the 2013 season!! Fired up my indoor tent in September with my 4 bulb T5 and some monster CFL's, November added my new Quantum Bad Boy 8 bulb T5! I remembered right from the start why I love growing indoors, nice, bushy, green beautiful plants! I love my T5's!

I figured I might as well start off a fresh grow log for the 2013 year! I slacked the last few months keeping up with my old log so in with the new! :D I had a very successful year, family, friends and coworkers were introduced to a whole new world of hot peppers! I hope for this next season to be bigger and better than the last! I am going to do my best to fit in some time to keep my grow updated!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and wishing you all a Happy new year and successful 2013 growing season!!


Melissa :dance:


Brown Rocoto

White 7

Chocolate Scorpion

Billy Boy Doughlah

The 1ga starts in my tent

Yellow Billy Boy Doughlah

Yellow Brain

Sepia Serpent

Peach Scorpanero #2 (Aji Joe)

Hubert (Pubescen)
Wooooooohooooooooo. Let the games begin. This girl can grow. I started my reaper weeks before you and yours is hella bigger than mine. Ahhahah. She's got tons of green thumb. And a hard worker too. I got some more seeds for ya. How's them "rennies" hahaha

One of these days I'll hit up your garden and tour my family as we've talked about t before. But when your in the hood. Lemme know. I'd like to pass by and see Nicks as well
New around here (THP) but wanted to say great start Melissa, very nice pictures and big pods on last shots ... aggressive grow list, I'm only at around 51, starting 12 more this weekend but will probably gift off some to cut down on total. Good Great luck in 13 both to you and your chilies :)

Me too, has anyone even seen one remotely look like the marketing pictures???

Thanks for stopping in and Welcome to THP WalkGood! Best of luck of luck to you in the 2013 season! :)

Wooooooohooooooooo. Let the games begin. This girl can grow. I started my reaper weeks before you and yours is hella bigger than mine. Ahhahah. She's got tons of green thumb. And a hard worker too. I got some more seeds for ya. How's them "rennies" hahaha

One of these days I'll hit up your garden and tour my family as we've talked about t before. But when your in the hood. Lemme know. I'd like to pass by and see Nicks as well

Thanks Denniz!! Those rennies will hopefully hit the dirt some time this weekend, thanks again for hooking me up with all those seeds! :D

Once all this damn cold weather and rain passes I will hit you up so you can come check out the gardens. Happy Growing!

Looking great so far. Great variety, as well!

Thank you!










PRIMO - seeds from primo! (THANKS Denniz!)

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

your plants look soo awesome. i stuck some red thai in the dirt just to have some new plants. way early i know but i couldn't resist with all these GLOGs kicking off.

looking good as usual
I'd trade you in a New York second Melissa... We've got a foot of powder snow on the ground here blowing and drifting in a 30 knot breeze tonight, and temps in the teens...
where exactly is this grow tent setup in... the garage?? nice to see the PRIMO(ghost) :think: is doing well....them lights look just as nice.. im about to setup my 4 tier small greenhouse in the garage....

i had one of five rennies pop.....

cant wait....ROCK ROCK ROCK.. the plants do
Absolutely beautiful set-up and plants! Approximately how old are they?

Thank you Idosimon! The plants are anywhere from 4-12 weeks, I have held them back a little as well in the smaller pots because once you pot up they grow so fast I can't keep up! T5's are really great for growing peppers indoors! Thanks for stopping in :)

your plants look soo awesome. i stuck some red thai in the dirt just to have some new plants. way early i know but i couldn't resist with all these GLOGs kicking off.

looking good as usual

Thanks Ben! I wouldn't be able to resist if I were you either and thai's are a must have anyway! ;)

Can already tell this is gonna be big! Plants look amazingly healthy. I'll stay tuned!

Thank you Jamison!

I'd trade you in a New York second Melissa... We've got a foot of powder snow on the ground here blowing and drifting in a 30 knot breeze tonight, and temps in the teens...

Noooo way this california born and raised girl could hang with that kind of weather, in the low 30's at night and that feels freezing to me! lol.

where exactly is this grow tent setup in... the garage?? nice to see the PRIMO(ghost) :think: is doing well....them lights look just as nice.. im about to setup my 4 tier small greenhouse in the garage....

i had one of five rennies pop.....

cant wait....ROCK ROCK ROCK.. the plants do

Yup in the garage D! :) I was thinking of doing the same thing with my 4 tier greenhouse outside, move it in the garage and throw my large cfl's in it...walllahhhh another area to start seeds in! :D Those rennies will hit the dirt some time this week. All the orange primos & orange brains you gave me germinated, thanks again!

All looking good, off to a great start. I'll definitely be following to see how it goes.

Happy New Year too :)

Thanks megamoo!! Happy new year to you as well! ;)
Thank you Idosimon! The plants are anywhere from 4-12 weeks, I have held them back a little as well in the smaller pots because once you pot up they grow so fast I can't keep up! T5's are really great for growing peppers indoors! Thanks for stopping in :)

Ah, ok! My seedling is a week old and still only has its cotyledons, but its almost done developing the node where the first true leaves will come out of. I was worried it was massively behind, as I though your plants were about 2 weeks old!

I don't have much experience growing peppers, so I'm used to basil and tomato timeframes, which are definitely much faster than that of peppers.
WOW, those plants are looking great! I thought your temp range was close to what we have here in Central Florida so I was a bit surprised to see you growing inside. Wishing you a great new year and a bountiful grow Melissa.

I'm amazed at how big and healthy all of your plants look! I'm in the same boat with Rick. Lots of snow on the ground and low temps near 0. Hard to imagine having plants that are ready to go outside this time of year.

Not sure how you are working full time and still keeping up with such a large grow. I'm a little worried that I will be in over my head this season with working part time now. You're like a Pepper Superwoman!

Best wishes on the grow. I'll stop in when I can.
OK, Missy, you're makin' me look bad already! Awesome start, friend!
Those plants look like they are in a catalogue. Those T-5's really do the trick,
all right. Very impressed with the quality and quantity of your grow as always;
not sure how you could make it bigger and better, but you go, girl!
Those are some purdy peppers Mel. Can't wait to follow your grow again this year. :dance:

Thanks Jamie! :D

WOW, those plants are looking great! I thought your temp range was close to what we have here in Central Florida so I was a bit surprised to see you growing inside. Wishing you a great new year and a bountiful grow Melissa.


Thanks RM! The temp ranges are pretty close to yours in central florida, may get a tad bit colder in my area. Reason for me growing indoors over the "winter" is because I want large plants come spring time. I have plants in my greenhouse outside as well, but with the cold they grow much much slower. Last year I only started a small batch in my tent because I got it really late in the seed starting season, but those plants were much bigger than anything I grew outside! T5's are the way to go for indoor growing! Best of luck to you this season friend! :)

I'm amazed at how big and healthy all of your plants look! I'm in the same boat with Rick. Lots of snow on the ground and low temps near 0. Hard to imagine having plants that are ready to go outside this time of year.

Not sure how you are working full time and still keeping up with such a large grow. I'm a little worried that I will be in over my head this season with working part time now. You're like a Pepper Superwoman!

Best wishes on the grow. I'll stop in when I can.

Thanks Bonnie! I am a big wuss when it comes to cold weather, snow would be nice to visit on occasion but if I had to operate in that weather every day it would be the end of me! lol.

Working full time and my grow consumes me, but somehow I make it happen. Not going to lie, it's hard at times, all work and no play. I just keep telling myself the benefits of having such large plants so early on, I should get a really early crop this season as a result. There are times when I am dead tired, but us mom's always have a way of making things happen right? I think you will make it happen too Bonnie! :) BTW, did you ever get the seeds I sent you?

Best of luck in 2013!

OK, Missy, you're makin' me look bad already! Awesome start, friend!
Those plants look like they are in a catalogue. Those T-5's really do the trick,
all right. Very impressed with the quality and quantity of your grow as always;
not sure how you could make it bigger and better, but you go, girl!

Oh Paul I could neverrr make you look bad! Pulling pods in december in Oregon?! You the man!! :D Thanks as always! Bigger and better is the plan, no mislabeled plants and only quality soil this year! Turning my large bed in to raised beds this year, lot's of work ahead of us but I can't wait to get back outside to start making it happen! Best of luck this year friend!

That green is so dark! Loving your plants! cant wait to follow your glog through another season! Best of luck!

Thanks for following along again Bee! :)

Looks great Melissa. I cant wait till you tell us about the Sepia Serpent. That pod has me absolutely fascinated for some reason

Thank you Pia!! That sepia serpent is a beauty, I just had to grow it too! I have some seeds left if you need em? Good luck this year! :dance: