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Melissa's Bhut Jolokia


Even though most of you know what dried bhut jolokia peppers taste like, I'm bored and just tried these so what the hell...

Price: 7-8 dried peppers for about $2.50. Reasonable price I guess.

Availability: Found them at the local supermarket (kroger type)

The flavor is pretty pleasantly sweet, and very smokey (These are definitely smoked peppers, even though the packet didn't mention it). Was yummy sprinkled over pizza.

The heat is lacking from what you might expect from a bhut. I would have to say these flakes are about as hot as my dried pequin peppers, maybe a touch more. If you pick Melissa's brand up don't expect them to be particularly hot.
That's an excellent price there my friend.
They actually might not be smoked at all. they do get a very dark, brownish look when dehydrated at high temps and the flavor itself is very deep and overwhelming a bit... something you might expect from a smoked pod. you're probably going nuts from all that dense smell, huh?
i tried Melissa's bhut jololia(ghost pepper) about 2 years ago, bought the package for $4.99. first thing you notice when opening the package is the very strong smoke aroma. i bought the package to get my first bhut taste and to see if the seeds were viable.... don't waste your time on the seeds. i tried many ways to get the seeds to germinate and varied germination over a year's period but i was hoping at least 1 seed might germinate. nope.

but you are right with the heat level, they were only slightly hotter than the dried pequin. i had to dry the bhuts a little further to get them to grind as they still had a soft tecture right out of the package. the dried pequins are viable(i have 5 plants on the go).
Agreed...I picked a pack of the smoked, although paid $5 for them. They are nice...great flavor for burgers and BBQ, but nothing as intense as I was expecting.

Melissa's does offer them now fresh:


These are the real deal. I took a pull off one before smoking about 10 of them, and my damn face was peeling off for 10 minutes. And, being the top-rated dumb ass that I am...I smoked them with some savinas and hab's...seeded a dozen savinas to dry and store the seeds for later planting...and TOTALLY F'IN FORGOT TO SEED THE BHUTS. I'm trying to work with a guy in GA on getting a pound of fresh sent to me. Lots of seeds... :)