I dont know what has been going on the past couple days but my prized peppers whom have been growing so well are all of a sudden melting and turning into crap.  It has felt a little colder in my apartment lately but i keep the thermostat set at 69 degrees since the beginning and the thermometer i leave on the soil of one of the white bucket plants in the pic consistently says 72-73 degrees.  i transplanted a few of these into 2 gallon white buckets over the weekend and they were surprisingly looking great then all of a sudden today i really was able to notice they are all starting to look like shit.  i have had the light on 16/8 and the side to side oscilating fan on low that whole time too.  i know they have all been a lil cramped but i dont understand why they are all falling apart even the big strong dorset naga.  was it too much fert that is now being released into the roots area?  is the fan making it too cold for the peppers?  and why do transplants always get mysterious cracks/rips in their leaves a couple days after?
i have seen fungus gnats but only a few and i try my best to kill them and i spray neem oil when i see them.  only a couple times have i seen this brown lady bug looking bug which after researching i believe is a carpet/flea beetle.  is this derstruction from pests?  i look under the leaves with a magnifying glass and dont see anything except maybe some black soil that may have splashed on the underside of the leaves.  one of the sicker looking more established plants looks kind of like it is getting hairy almost.  i did just water them really good 2 days ago so maybe excess fertilizer poured in to the root area? why the hell do they look like they're melting?
Any help please, I have worked too hard and spent too much money to lose these babies.  I have a 6.5 foot stand and an 8 bulb t5 coming in the mail next week and 7 gallon smart pots i plan to transplant them into
Edema in pic 1 comrades?

Transplant shock is common / fine. You may lose a couple leaves but plant is still healthy
juanitos said:
Edema in pic 1 comrades?

Transplant shock is common / fine. You may lose a couple leaves but plant is still healthy
the ones getting nailed the hardest werent transplanted, theyre still in their solo cups
my first guess is the fan blowing/oscialting 18 hours a day was blowing too cold of air onto the plants, secnd guess would be too much fert was already in it and washed through finally with the big watering 3 nights ago?
juanitos said:
Edema in pic 1 comrades?

Transplant shock is common / fine. You may lose a couple leaves but plant is still healthy
after looking at other pics on google of plant edema, i think you may be right as i just heavily watered them 3 nights ago and now this.  let me guess its permanent? how long will it last and any cures?
don't need the fan on for 18 hours my friend , put on a timer , say 15 min. every  2 hours , off  when lights out . back it up some , only need a whisk of fresh air , (  Providing your not over watering )       :onfire:
moruga welder said:
don't need the fan on for 18 hours my friend , put on a timer , say 15 min. every  2 hours , off  when lights out . back it up some , only need a whisk of fresh air , (  Providing your not over watering )       :onfire:
this was the first time i heavily top watered them all and sure enough this all happens.  ive been bottom watering only an inch at a time before and this once time i drenched em plus that fan is cold! are the peppers doomed?
Northpole69 said:
this was the first time i heavily top watered them all and sure enough this all happens.  ive been bottom watering only an inch at a time before and this once time i drenched em plus that fan is cold! are the peppers doomed?
not as long as you can see green yet !  
Your good bro! Look how far you have got. If you get a hiccup just step back and think what did you do recently that you were not doing before.

People damage plants. Plants been growing by themselves way before us. Take advice given and you will fair good.
Water when it needs it, peppers hate wet feet. Don't over feed (peppers don't like too much food or harvest will suck).
Sometimes it's good to get a lil refresh in the growing 101 thread.

I hope you have a bountiful 2016
Lovepeppers said:
Your good bro! Look how far you have got. If you get a hiccup just step back and think what did you do recently that you were not doing before.
People damage plants. Plants been growing by themselves way before us. Take advice given and you will fair good.
Water when it needs it, peppers hate wet feet. Don't over feed (peppers don't like too much food or harvest will suck).
Sometimes it's good to get a lil refresh in the growing 101 thread.
I hope you have a bountiful 2016

moruga welder said:
remember me telling you , don't over nurture !      :onfire:

Im thinking its a fan to close thing #1

To much fert to soon #2


Back off just a tad bud plants need their space don't over mother them. #4


   This tends to happen in Solo cups. Transplant right away into bigger pots. Stop watering as much as I can see Edema. And check your soil, water and nutrient pH.  This fixed my problem which was very similar to yours.
I let them dry out. Then water with super thrive just before transplant and has helped reduce shock for me. Others say super thrive doesn't work. But the plants I did this too fared better than the others.