Operation Homefront is a recommended military charity by CharityWatch.org, who rate them with an A-, with a Yes to full disclosure of financials. They give 92% to the needy, keeping only an 8% running cost. The reason I like them also is, you can give directly to campaigns. People contact them for help and they set up specific campaigns for special cases or dire cases.
This time around OH is matching the donation. So the net was $505.20! Woot! 20% is $101.04 ($102 rounded) and when matched is $204!

We did good guys! Over $200 and here's who we are helping:
Gift Total: $102 ($204)
Wife's Illness is Strain on Finances | $17 ($34)
The spouse of this recently separated disabled veteran has suffered a serious health crisis for which she was hospitalized for some time, and is still unable to work. The veteran has his own health issues that make it difficult for him to work as well, so they family is undergoing a financial strain that you can help alleviate by assisting with utilities, partial rent and groceries.
Soldier Mom, Dad and Baby Need Help | $17 ($34)
Delivery of their new son was rough on this National Guard soldier and her son, and Dad has had to take time off from work to care for their needs as they recover. The loss of income has made it tough to make ends meet, and your help with rent and groceries can bring them some comfort and peace of mind as they start the next chapter of their life as a family of three.
Medically Retired Soldier Needs Your Help | $17 ($34)
After a lifetime of service, this soldier was medically retired at the beginning of 2019, and her transition from service has been extremely difficult. Her husband passed away, and she moved to be closer to family for support while she waits for her VA compensation to begin. Trying to make ends meet on limited income is only making it tougher, and she needs our help. Please consider a gift to help with utilities, groceries and some needed auto repairs to help her begin to move forward.
Purple Heart Recipient Has Had Some Challenges | $17 ($34)
A combat veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart has reached out to us for help after his only vehicle had a blown engine, which came right after his wife lost her job due to illness in December. He has been working with a Vocational Rehabilitation specialist and hopes to start school in the fall to work towards a strong, stable, and secure future, but he needs help now with housing, utilities, and groceries.
Recently Medically Retired Bronze Star Recipient Needs Help | $17 ($34)
After 16 years of service which saw him awarded a Bronze Star, this Army medic was medically retired at the end of the year, and has been waiting for his compensation to be received. His spouse is also applying to the VA Caregiver program. They were without income for two months until the VA compensation was 1st received, and they are still waiting on the other compensation. This has caused them to fall behind on housing and utility payments as well as struggling to make ends meet with basics, like groceries. Please join us in helping this family though transition from service as a thanks for all they have done for our country.
Career of Service Ends With Injuries and Stress | $17 ($34)
This career sailor was devastated to learn that his career would end due to the severity of the injuries he sustained over multiple combat deployments. He and his spouse were already facing a challenge with the health of one of their children and expecting another. Your help can make their transition from service a success by assisting with rent and deposit after relocation after service.

Your gifts will be sent out next week.