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Messing with the Law

As in Sheriff Deputy!

Friday evening at closing time, three deputies came in to inspect my "suspicious" plant, the hibiscus that looks very similar to pot. One of them knew what it was and we got to talking. Turns out he loves hot peppers and would be working the next evening. So I took him about three bhuts, four Red Habs, some Long Cayennes, a banana and bell, Anaheim and Hot Wax, along with some Chinese Red Noodle beans. I did warn him the Bhuts are suppose to be extremely hot but he seemed familiar with them (this guy knows peppers and pot!).

Also had a couple of young adults stop by Tuesday evening and was impressed with the Bhuts. I am not allowed to remove them during the fair but I told the guys I would bring two more over and leave them on the plate. They were welcome to them. I didn't get back that evening to talk with them but the peppers were missing!

Is the plant you're talking about the one in the thread vs. Passows hops?

And how'd they get wind of the "suspicious" plant?

No, it's this one.


They are the same type of plant, just a different cultivar. The one above is a Tainung-2, the one in the other thread is an Everglades-41. Here's what it looks like now:


I could still have eight weeks for it to grow so it could be well over 12 feet tall by the time I'm done.

I'm not sure how these deputies found out about it - probably someone told them. The night before, I found a deputy and suggested there was a plant that looked like an illegal one on display and I swear - he told me he wouldn't know a pot plant if he saw one! I was pleasantly surprised because I dug it up and stuck it in a 5-gallon bucket with potting soil at the bottom, then added some more after the plant was in it. It wilted real bad, but I sprayed the leaves and watered the dirt and it came back to life.


PS - Mods, if you want to move this thread, please do. I started it about a deputy not only knowing but liking hot peppers but we are getting away from it!