My Japones never looked like that.
Pendant pods,much bigger(3 1/2 X 1/2-3/4 in. wide).
The pods were also curved.
I used seeds from dry market pods.
BUT I see people selling a lot of different peppers as Japones - Santaka for one.
I think Japones might be another pepper name that is used for a lot of different peppers...
Google shows Japones as looking like anything from Thai to Cayenne type pods.
I assume since Japones means Japanese,it gives vendors or whatever licence to sell almost any Japanese type pepper as Japones.
A generic name?
Any dry pods seeds I've grown from different brands always grew the same thing,so far.
Chileman says that Japones is from China.
Data bases say Japones are 1 1/2 inches long +/-.
I thought that Japones from Mexico were now a pretty much Landrace type thing.Since they have been grown there for so long.
Might explain why Mexican grown seeds are different than a lot/most of the pics on google.
Though the dry pod pics seem to look like the larger pods I get my seeds from...