MFRB - $40 includes shipping

I've got some pre-filled boxes for sale:
forgive the FB links:
BOX #1
MFRB containing all BBG7 Pods! From top left clockwise: White/Pale, Yellow, Chocolate, BBG7 Neyde x Bubblegum 7 pot, Bleeding Borg 9, and what I'm calling the BBG7 Caramel Apple. Topping it all off, I'll throw in some BBG7 Neyde x Bubblegum 7 pot that went capless. The BBG7 are very thick walled, so this box weighs in heavy.

BOX #2
MFRB containing 100% Red Moruga Scorpion pods. Get your hurt on.

BOX #3
MFRB containing approximately 1/2 Aji Limon, 1/4 Aji Mango, and 1/4 Sugar Rush Peach. This box is absolutely packed and heavy!

BOX #4
MFRB containing approximately 1/3 Yellow Brainstrain, 1/3 split between I Scream Scorpion and SB7J (Scotch Bonnet x 7 Pot Jonah), and 1/3 Sepia Serpent (chocolate).

I'll have some more boxes ready to go tomorrow. Late season here in Philly looks to be strong. PM me here or over at FB.
Why is it  that i want to buy or bid on every MFRB $40 or under this year ?  
:lol:  maybe i'm crazy  :crazy:  but i want em all!!!  :rofl:
My biggest harvest is now as my season is ending.
I have plenty of pods, and a preorder? With another vendor :D
But Danggggg :!:  Box #3 is callin' to me :D  I know Aji Limon and those peach sugar rush are good but i don't have this pheno of Aji Mango  :shocked:
If i didn't have plenty of pods, a freezer thats getting full and a dehydrator that's been goin nonstop for weeks now i'd be all over this.
 I have purchased pods from BeerinHand before, and they were fantastic pods like many growers here have to offer   :)
Current list of available boxes:

Some more boxes packed - let me know of any strikes your fancy.


MFRB containing approximately 1/2 MA Orange Daisy Cutters, 1/2 Genghis Khan's Brains, and about 2 dozen Black Nagas to fill it to the top:


MFRB containing approximately 1/3 Pink Tiger, 1/3 Black Naga, and 1/3 Devil's Brain. And cause I could, I threw some Mustard Bhutlahs on top to try to hurt you:


MFRB containing approximately 2/3 Red Brazilian Ghosts, and the other 1/3 split between Mustard Bhutlah and 7JPN. It's a very pretty box to look at and guaranteed to be enjoyed by your mouth as well:


MFRB containing 100% Red Moruga Scorpion pods. Get your hurt on:


MFRB containing approximately 1/3 Yellow Brainstrain, 1/3 split between I Scream Scorpion and SB7J (Scotch Bonnet x 7 Pot Jonah), and 1/3 Sepia Serpent (chocolate):
