MH, HPS, or CFL?

The heat isn't as much as a problem as it would otherwise be (though I'm sure it will still present some issues). I'll post pictures when I get the chance, but my little grow area is below the apex of the roof, so the ceilings are probably around 14' high (that may be a slight exaggeration, but it looks a few feet above the rim). Ideally, I'd like to construct some 8' makeshift walls around a 62"x62" area and line them with mylar or an equivalent.

Potheads are indeed an endless source of both equipment and information. As someone else noted, it's a motivated community of gardeners if nothing else; they've learned to maximize yield in several interesting ways. I'm not sure most of them translate to vegetables and citrus (so geeked about my baby citrus trees, it's really kind of pathetic), but it's entertaining reading nonetheless. My internet history is probably going to prompt the world's first chile pepper raid.

As advised, I picked up the hortilux bulb, which is blazing away in my apartment as I type this. I desperately need to get those walls up; it's like having a little sun in your living room.

PS: has anyone noticed that it's impossible to find grafted avocado trees online? Looks like I might have a fun hobby; just need to find some Lamb-Hass pits!

Edit: please forgive the lack of chile pepper discussion in this particular thread; they're still germinating. I was using plain tap water with a drop or two of chile pepper focus in it, but I switched to RO'ed water from the grocery store yesterday and I've already had two taproots emerge. Pretty dramatic impact.