• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MikeinSC's 2012 Digital Diary of Delaying Impending Doom

It's the last year of the Earth so I hope I get this right for once.

Last year I bought a house and 5.7 acres with the sole intention of starting a farm and commercial greenhouse and grow operation.


The goal is to eventually expand to also growing fish but that is 5 years away in my head.

Within a few weeks of buying the house I was already clearing off an acre to use for the garden. Eventually I got to the point I could start turning over the ground.


I now have about 4500 sq ft tilled but still I need more space.

This year I am growing corn, honeydew, watermelon, peanuts, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, sweet peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins.

More to follow.
That is a Striped Cucumber Beetle. There is also a spotted variety that I'll get a pic of later.

This is an Assassin bug still as a young adult.

I didnt get around to it today but i have about 15 corn plants to reset in an upright position. I hope tbat i can disturb the roots and not have the plants affected.
A big thunderstorm blew through yesterday and flattened the only plants i have in the ground. I am doing successive plantings of sweet corn and okra this year and hoping for the best. I will be planting 50 corn seedlings tomorrow and a 70' row of Clemson spineless okra.

The wind that i get here drives me nuts. Everyday i have to pick up plants off the ground or go look in the treeline for things that blew away. I really need that greenhouse in a bad way so I can save some part of my sanity.
Thank you. The wind really is depressing although i am thankful to have no dead air around the plants. I plabted a 10ft, 30 gallon Japanese Maple that within 2 days the wind managed to pull it out of the ground by 2 or 3 inches.

I found this guy on one of the eggplants. I am not sure what it is yet but i have an idea. I just need to confirm.

EDIT: my initial instict was correct. Colorado Potato Beetle. Crap....

Edit again. This is a False Potato Beetle. A very close relative and from what i can tell, just as bad with a different name and slightly diff stripes.

False Potato Beetle


False Potato Beetle Larvae


Southern Green Stink Bug


Eggplant flower


My compost pile with a fresh 250 pounds or so of coffee grinds and produce.


Purple Jalapeno

I haven't tried them yet. Maybe today?

I found a pack of Goat Horn seed at the local asian market. I have read a lot of posts of people liking these so I figure what the heck.


Also found a bunny this morning munching on stuff near the burn pile. It let me get a lot closer than I expected.

I haven't tried them yet. Maybe today?

I found a pack of Goat Horn seed at the local asian market. I have read a lot of posts of people liking these so I figure what the heck.


Also found a bunny this morning munching on stuff near the burn pile. It let me get a lot closer than I expected.


Mmm.. I would love me some spicy marinated rabbit meat.
Spicy grilled bunny burgers would be a good TD entry.

The Fish Pepper is beginning to look better.


Red Okra


Cucumbers are developing now. This plant has really taken off in the last week after sitting idle for about 2.


A row of Bhut Jolokia on the right with a few on the left close to the tomato plant. Then there is a CGN 21500 in the middle and the rest on the left are Paper Lantern Habs.


This is the small garden closest to the house. It's about 27'x27' by now. Started a tad smaller as 25'x25'.

I still have a handful of stink bugs to identify and something that i dont quite know how to describe. I dont mind the bugs too much. I want to document the various creepies and crawlies that are local here. The photos, and bugs, will be on display at my market stand whenever that happens. It'll be something to get people to stay around and maybe slow down long enough to buy something from me. I also would like to show the amount of work and frustration that comes along with being a grower.

The education of myself and the general public is something close to me and it just so happens to coincide with movement of going local. Everyday there are more and more people that want to know where their food comes from. I will be transparent about the chemicals I use, where my compost comes from, how the plants are grown, water analysis and soil analysis.

Here is one of the stink bugs that I can't identify yet. It seems that the Brown Marmorated stinky bug dlminates the google searches. I came close with a Border Plant bug but the markings are just slightly off. It's close but it isn't it.

This will soon be mine.


It measures 20'x40' which should give me plenty of room to get things moving along in the right direction and on a bit more stress free road. My part time work has picked up recently and the big garden has suffered for it. What was once planted has become more space to cut grass.

Nevertheless, I can not quit.

The little garden is doing well. Cucumbers, squash, bell peppers, corn, tomatoes, onions, bhut jolokia and paper lantern habanero are growing well. Over in the extended side garden the BHN 640 have really loaded up on the maters. The yellow watermelon has begun to spread in a massive way. There are 4 plants that are taking up approx 150 sq.ft.

The next thing for me to work on is orienting the greenhouse site nd prepping the ground for the gh.
Very nice parcel, Mike. You will develop a very nice grow there,
especially now that you will have a nice new greenhouse!

Good luck getting your business off the ground!
It has been close to 2 weeks since we made the deal to buy the greenhouse but it hasn't happened yet. My attempts to meet with them have been returned with either unavailability or no response at all.

This Monday I decided to build one new myself. The biggest hurdle was being able make the bows. A short trip through youtube directed me to website that sells jigs to bend the bows. Www.hoopbenders.net has plenty of instructions for the DIY'er. A phone call was made tuesday and the order shipped yesterday.

I am thinking I will build it to be 20'x60'.
It has been quite some time since I've posted. It has not been a swell year in the garden for me. I have a handful of Bhut Jolokia and Paper lantern hab plants in the ground and doing well without my attention. The nights are getting cool earlier than usual this year. Tonight and last night are in the low 50's so a temporary hoop house may be in order.

But what else is happening you ask? Well, fortunately I shot a short video with a crappy camera earlier this evening to answer that burning question.

And for those that don't want the low quality YouTube goodness, here is the gist of it all. The video shows some string in the yard outlining the new greenhouse. I talk about why I am doing what I want to do, mention my gofundme.com fundraising page and say thanks to those that may contribute $$$, the planned addition of aquaponics to the greenhouse, the neighbor and that's about all.
