mild comfort food


This is a test. first, to see if my cell phone makes acceptable pictures for putting up pics for the up-coming throwdown. (my digital my be on the fritz).

Second, to see if I've got the requirement for picture size correctly.

Third, a "showoff" of my everyday comfort food- which means, I came home from work, late, starving, and there wasnt much left in the fridge....

so this is bacon grease leftover from the good bacon we had this morning to fry a whole onion in, turkey bacon that I bought to see if we like it (not as much as the pork kind) Aji lemon pepper powder that Patrick sent me, because I hadnt tried it yet and wanted to know how hot it was, carrots and two eggs. scrambled. I should have added the carrots with the onions, they were halfway between cooked and crunchy.
Oh, I put nutmeg on it, too. I like nutmeg!
patrick said:
Bacon and bacon grease make everything yummy. Way to go Celeste.

How was the powder?

yummy. I just put a leetle bit in, to test it. its good in the eggs. I think I can use it the same way I use ground black pepper, which is generously!

It seems to be stuck together the way brown sugar does, and I am concerned about it spoiling...should I put it in the fridge or freezer?
The carrots came out looking pretty red. there is a translucent onion sitting on top of the carrot slice. Probably need to adjust for the light when I take pics. It may make clearer pics if I post them half size- would that be too small? Not actually thrilled with the camera in the phone. maybe it is not on highest pixels possible- I'll do some manual reading...sometime....
The optimum, would be of course, is that all that is wrong with my digital camera is it needs new batteries- I think my rechargables dont charge anymore. I will get paid on the 6th, so new batteries is possible- but the cell phone is my only backup option.
Add a few grains of rice to the powder and replace them in a couple of days and if it isn't dry enough still do it again. If you put it in the fridge it's going to clump more.