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Milk Alternative for Cooling Down?

Just had a Mint Julep (bourbon, sugar and mint) after cutting up and tasting a bunch of pods.  Worked pretty well
 I personally prefer afterburn, but I do know I've used olive oil for more sensitive places in the past, and seemed to work fine.
Imagine that spitting out whatever you choose will be far more effective then just swallowing the hot oil, because if your mouth has trouble , your tummy for sure will.
80 proof swished and spit works faster then anything
Cap oil.....get it? you need an OIL DISPERSANT 
"REAL" whiskey does that ;)
I like beer. Doesn't really tame the burn but it does make me drink more. Very helpful when the only stuff available is the cheap shit.
Swish and Spit 80 proof (or better)
Anything else just delays the process
Cap Oil . . . . .think dispersant(break it up)
rlslmshdy said:
A peanut butter sandwich with plenty of peanut butter works for me when Ive got in over my head.
Nifty! I got started in this forum because i use peppers for medicinal reasons, and found myself faced with the problem of how to actually eat a fresh bhut.
I found that finely mincing one into about 1/2 cup of peanut butter made that possible for this tenderfoot newbie. The solids fraction of peanut butter is massively absorbent, and isolated the capsaicin from my too-sensitive taste buds and gut. As the peanut butter was digested, it released the capsaicin gradually.
This "timed-release" effect had a beautiful added benefit, prolonging the time period in which i enjoyed the beneficial effects of my peanut "bhutter" sandwich.

Of course, now that i've admitted that i'm doing all this 'cuz it's good for me, i'd best -- hastily -- add that i enjoy being a chilihead too, or the rest of you are going to think that i'm too boring to talk to...