fertilizer Milorganite Fertilizer, human sludge........

So. With the facts mentioned the inuendos hinted at, i guess I am at the point of admitting I do not understand the mechanics of composting, the biology of soil, and I am willing to accept substandard crop production.

Miracle Gro here I come, for I cannot see myself using human waste to grow an extra pepper or two.

Why Miracle Grow? Kellogg Patio Plus is OMRI certified organic and less than $5 for a 1.5 cu.ft. bag.
If you go back to post number 2, the two were somewhat pitted off against another. For the sake of this thread I was following through with that discusion.

I thought in the other 5 threads that you metioned Kellog product there were undercurrents of biosolid use in them.

Si or no?
Kellogg's Patio Plus is a regional west coast product. It is not sold here and I don't think it's sold in Texas either, but I don't know for sure. Kellogg's is huge in the biosolids, many of their products are biosolids based, e.g. Amend and Nitrohumus. Patio Plus apparently doesn't contain any though.

So. With the facts mentioned the inuendos hinted at, i guess I am at the point of admitting I do not understand the mechanics of composting, the biology of soil, and I am willing to accept substandard crop production.

Miracle Gro here I come, for I cannot see myself using human waste to grow an extra pepper or two.

MG and human waste aren't your only options. You can use composted animal manure, if you're not ok with composted animal manure then you can compost your own plant materials very easily. A lot of you places you can buy leaf mold and other stuff. I'm fine with animal manure, but sewage slug is another story.

There's going to be animal poop in any soil though. Birds, rodens, worms, etc. poop everywhere. I'm sure plenty of animals poop in the peat bogs as well. And much of the produce you buy at the grocery is going to be grown with biosolids. There's not really any way getting around it unless you buy 100% certified organic or grow/raise everything yourself...

If you go back to post number 2, the two were somewhat pitted off against another. For the sake of this thread I was following through with that discusion.

I thought in the other 5 threads that you metioned Kellog product there were undercurrents of biosolid use in them.

Si or no?

I thought that Patio Plus had biosolids, but apparently it doesn't. OMRI won't certify anything with biosolids, and some company reps have stated that it doesn't contain them.
I thought in the other 5 threads that you metioned Kellog product there were undercurrents of biosolid use in them.

Si or no?

Only a couple of their products contain biosolids. Patio Plus and N'Rich are OMRI certified, the others are not 100% organic.

Kellogg's Patio Plus is a regional west coast product. It is not sold here and I don't think it's sold in Texas either, but I don't know for sure.

I was not aware of that Tyler. Thanks for pointing that out.
Monsanto and Medicated Human Poo sure do leave a bad taste in my mouth.......Oh wait, that didn't come out right!

Avon, A good read with some good bullets

Guru, +1!