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Minneasota/Northern US Growers

So once again I am going to mention that on Feb 26, 2011 I am marrying the most amazing woman ever and we have also a brand new home we will start getting moved into this Thursday. So I am trying to hold myself back from starting seeds. This year will be my third year as a pepper grower. First year went ok but didn't have many plants. Second year was better but I lost A LOT of the plants I initially started. So this "third" year Id like to be a "charm". When should I be starting my seeds here in MN. Now I know they should not go outside until chances of frost gone but not sure what is a good date/month to really start and be safe. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm also in MN and started some bhut jolokia and Trinidad scorpions about 3 weeks ago. Another user here in MN is doing about the same. I'd say get going soon indoors if growing superhots.
I think I started Jan 22, but I am still starting some now. I will probably be done starting seeds within a week. As jessxcr said, the sooner the better for superhots and other C.Chinense varieties at this point. I don't blame you for not wanting to move fragile seedlings in the cold weather though.
So once again I am going to mention that on Feb 26, 2011 I am marrying the most amazing woman ever and we have also a brand new home we will start getting moved into this Thursday. So I am trying to hold myself back from starting seeds. This year will be my third year as a pepper grower. First year went ok but didn't have many plants. Second year was better but I lost A LOT of the plants I initially started. So this "third" year Id like to be a "charm". When should I be starting my seeds here in MN. Now I know they should not go outside until chances of frost gone but not sure what is a good date/month to really start and be safe. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know if you already picked out your seeds but you might have to go with a fast growing early producer. A favorite of mine is Jalapeno Early. I had a season like yours
awhile back and changed plans to fit the season. Funny even with plenty of time I still plant Jalapeno Early to create an even flow of production of produce. When one type of plant is crapping out another is comming in and so on. Overwintering plants will at least give you a head start for season four. Oh yea congrats on your up comming wedding and I wish you and your love all the best.
By the time you get moved in you should be able to plant everything. The superhots may not get to fruiting outside before frost. Any way you could bring them inside to finish ripening? We're in that strange "no matter how early,you still aren't going to get them outside for good until middle of June" zone. I usually start the superhots around the first part of January but I'm slow this year too. If you can do the lighting so the peppers don't get too leggy you should have good sized plants to put out when it's time. If you need any back up plants let me know ok? Congratulations to you both!!!!
Thank you all for the congrats and the advice. I do have a nice HUGE window and many other windows in the house I could utilize and just get them going on real sun from the start and then get them out when weather permits me to. I did tell the wife to be that I WILL be putting at least a couple plants (maybe make them bonsai) in our huge kitchen window. She doesn't think so but I said "wana bet"? lol I have a feeling with all the windows available she might win this one...lol
I'm thinking most of what I will be growing will be Cayenne's and a few other varieties. Ill just have to make sure they aren't super hots. But since I was gifted a brand new Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator by my dad, I wanted to make some different powders but mostly cayenne for now. Then next year I will try an assortment of different pepper powders. I also was going to use the masses of Cayenne's I get for buffalo sauce. I currently have one pint of sauce I started last September and Id like to do make more.
If all goes well I can give you a couple plants. I have more than I can handle at the moment so we'll see how many make it.
Well I would be more than happy to adopt, especially if you got more than you can handle. I'd hate to see good happy plants go to waste. :)
Ok so I went through my expanding collection of seeds to try this year and this is what I came up with. If I might not have quite enough time for any of these please let me know.

Golden Cayenne
Birds Eye
Mucho Nacho
Garden Salsa

Most of the "crop will be the typical red cayenne's but a little variety to experiment with would be nice to.