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Miracle grow

Do you want big chili plants?

  • Yes Miracle grow will help me get big chili plants.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • no I perfer Growing the old fashion way.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
WHat do you all think of using miracle grow on your chili plants?
I use it one a month with mine.
It has produced marvelous results.
so, when you say miracle gro which product are you refering to? they make a plethura of fertilizer products all varying in nutrients, liquids and granular. I just borrowed a cup of general purpose 24-10-16 a few days ago and just put into my dwc. i may feed a couple of my smaller soil plants with a very diluted portion to see how they fair.
i have a box of MG general plant food, and i use it on the "flowers" and i add a micro nutes soloution since MG does not have them. but for my peppers i have been using Foliage pro 9-3-6 and Floranova Bloom 4-8-7 in my DWC but i have TONS of ferts to choose from after the hydro expo that i will try once these run out, as so far the FP and Flora Nova have really kept my plants healthy, green, and producing. but i am a noob and all i know is this is what i use and my results so far have been good! i have burned roots using MG ferts before and have not using the other stuff.

MG...sure as well as Ferti-Loom, Schultz, Dyna-Grow...etc. but if you want to grow "ye ole fashion way" you'll do it "Organicly" with well aged compost, manure, bone and blood meal, and garden lime... I use certain ferts. such as MG in moderation, less is more, nothing worst than having your plants look their best....then all of a sudden...fertilizer "Burn"
I use the Miracle Grow tomato, simply because I bought it and am too stubborn to throw it away until its empty. Great for tomatoes, decent for peppers. As an above poster said, its best to dilute the heck out of it, like 1/4 strength. I will try a different product line when I'm done my carton.

Miracle grow soil on the other hand is complete and utter garbage