Mislabeled jalapeno or leaf issue?

So I'm not sure what to think of this plant


For a while I assumed it was the Fish Pepper but the label says otherwise. It's not outside the realm of possibility that it was mislabeled. What do you guys think? Mislabeled jalapeno that is actually a Fish or jalapeno with an issue?
if your having the same weather as i am in illinois cool nights , rainy , that'll do it . its affected mine in the garden , green house , 7 gal.containers , also ones still in 16oz. cups . noticed this when the nights got in the low 40's rainy , cool days . it'll snap out of it once this weather gets up in the 8o's and 60's at night .      :onfire:
Yea we've been having the same type of weather here in Ohio, moruga welder. It seems to be the only Jal that is acting like that so I wasn't sure what to think...

Although, come to think of it, the leafs were showing the whitest coloring when they were young and still inside. So I am leaning towards a Fish that is not taking kindly to all the rain.
We've been spared the worst of it up here in CLE, but I've been hauling the plants (in pots) in and out of the garage a few times already. Jalapeno, fish or otherwise, chile plants don't like all the rain we've been having. Best of wishes for your grow!
True. 2 days after hardening off my soil plants my area got hit with a tornado warning LOL. Nothing touched down but my girls are definitely taking their lumps. I'm hoping that June brings more hospitable weather but you never know... it's Ohio. :-)
Hot Fish:

Purple Flash:

Munted C. annuum hybrid:

And just because... variegated Apple Mint (front obviously):
The more I look a pictures of Fish Pepper plants the more I think it's a Fish that got mislabeled as a Jalapeno. I did intent to grow a Fish and had another plant that was labeled "Fish". LOL now I guess we'll see what that one turns out to be... SMH
Come to think of it, I'm actually surprised I've never seen the Hot Fish being flogged off as something like 'Striped Jalapeno' or 'Variegated Jalapeno' or something along those lines....