• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mitch's 2013/14 GLOG - In ground drip irrigation set up

Hi everyone,
Thought I would start a Glog after seeing Cartz's up in Brisbane.
I'm going to try an make this short and sweet. I am situated in Melbourne and had a great season which I didn't document last season. Some of my plants are still going due to the mild winter we are having.
So I have started my seeds for this season and had some early success with the Yellow 7 Pots (no doubt my favourite pepper) and Jalapenos (got to love them too). I am still waiting for some extra seed varieties from the US, I hope they get through customs???
Here are some pics of my first update:
Seeds started all together (2 Jalapenos already taken out due to getting leggy and needing light), using two different seed starting mediums for comparision

Have taken the 3 Yellow 7 Pots and put them on the windowsill for light

Some pics from last season:
Start with my favourites, most amazing flavour, Yellow 7 Pots


My one Bih Jolokia Plant before and after cut back, keeping in mind I cut back leaves yesterday, it was pretty healthy still considering 3rd month of winter


Crazy Jalapeno in ground, not kidding when I say 3kgs of Jalapenos off one plant, I was proud of this one

Aji Amarillos, most peppers I have got off a chilli, easily in excess of 500, in ground for the second year after being in a pot

Bump for more pics of last season.
PIC 1 said:
Good luck with your season, I see you have a head start with an overwinter...
Thanks Greg, I was almost considering not even cutting it back, it has been looking reasonable all winter, just not putting out pods of course.
A few more pics from last season:
Yellow 7

Orange Hab oils

Tasty Jalapenos, one of many harvests


Aji flower

Good luck with the grow Mitch. If those pics from last season are anything to go by I'm sure you'll be in for a cracker. The plants look really healthy and those Yellow 7 and Fatalii pods look absolutely textbook. If I get any looking that good I'll be stoked! What's the chili you have labelled A.B.E.? 
Thanks cartz.
I was pretty happy with them. That's African birdseye. Love them for an all round chilli. Great in home made sambal too.
Quick little update and tonight's dinner.
Yellow 7s and Jalapeno popping up fine :)


Dinner, chicken parma, with some Yellow 7 pot (from the freezer) and my bih jolokia sauce :onfire: :




Was pretty good even if I do say so myself ;)
small update. Got some nebru, bhut x mayan red and primo x choc had seeds from Cartz which I just put in dirt, excited for the nebrus in particular! More seeds popping everyday.
and tonight's dinner:

Yellow 7 for me, birds eye for the mMs
Nice parma shot, Like how you buried to peppers under the cheese..............
"Tonight's Dinner"...looks great..........now I have to find a shrimp dish for lunch.
Glad to see  seedlings stretching their arms in the air...................1st true leaves on the way...
PIC 1 said:
Nice parma shot, Like how you buried to peppers under the cheese..............
"Tonight's Dinner"...looks great..........now I have to find a shrimp dish for lunch.
Glad to see  seedlings stretching their arms in the air...................1st true leaves on the way...
Thanks Greg! Prawns (or shrimp) go great with chilli :)
Im looking forward to the true leaves setting in! :D
Little update. I got some seeds in the mail yesterday and now in dirt.
So my grow list is now:
Red Primo
Dorset Naga
Primo x Choc Hab
Orange Hab (germ)
Bih Jolokia (germ)
Bhut x Mayan Red (germ)
Yellow 7 Pot (germ)
Jalapeno (germ)
Birdseye (germ)
Black Pearl (germ)
Tabasco (germ)
Red Scotch Bonnet
As you can see I am waiting on a few to germinate. I also have started growing tomatoes (4 varieties), eggplant and zucchini from seed which have all germinated.
I will post pics soon.
Huh, I have a few bhuts that are super pale and I read somewhere that that's one of the traits of a bih...
I'd love to know what to call these things!
Spicegeist said:
Huh, I have a few bhuts that are super pale and I read somewhere that that's one of the traits of a bih...
I'd love to know what to call these things!
Oh really? I didn't know that. I wouldn't say they are ridiculously dark green, but definitely not pale whatsoever.

They pack a fair bit of heat, I would say slightly more then the yellow 7's I grow. It bumped out about 65 pods, I have overwintered it successfully I assume (we had a mild winter in melbourne). The plant is green with no leaves, I hope to get 120+ from it this season.
Just a little update, not much happening down here in Melbourne. Happy to get a few true leaves.
Yellow 7's after speaking with Cartz I totally agree, seeds that you save tend to get the best results in terms of germination. These Yellow 7's are popping like crazy. 100% germ rate, and will have to start nipping the week ones off soon.

Orange Habs, nice around pepper

Bih Jolokias, had 2 thawed from the freezer for dinner tonight, actually whooped my arse! I forgot how much heat these can pack.

Tobasco, looking forward to these

Jalapenos, I am overwintering one in the ground still from its second season, got an unbelievable amount of decent sized pods last time from it

Black Pearl, meh

Bhut x Mayan Red, Cartz I am reasonably sure this shouldn't be a black stem? It is darker then the black pearls stem, whatever it is, its always nice to have a surprise :D

Forgot about this Yellow 7, seems to look like it has made it through its second winter ok. Last winter I cut it back to that main woody brown stem which looked dead, you can see it has grown out in its second season from a tiny patch towards the very base of the stem (to my surprise last summer and put out another 30-40 pods) I have a question about overwintering below

My mini greenhouse, growing tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplant and parsley too. I haven't grown eggplant or zucchini before so should be interesting. You can see I have 7-8 jalapeno seedlings in the front container, I was overloaded with the seeds emerging so I thought I would give them a go in the greenhouse during the winter, I think they may make it. If they do I will plant a row of them in the ground, cant get enough of these peppers! Particularly after drooling over the popper pages in other sections of THP.

Just a question for anyone who might come across this, I have seemed to have more success with overwintering the plants by not touching their leaves or stems in anyway. My Bih Jolokia (in earlier post) and Yellow 7 above look like they will make it through ok. The leaves had fallen off naturally but stems are still green. Does anyone in Australia leave a pepper to its own devices over winter without intervention? Maybe its just the fact our winter hasn't dropped below 5 degrees at night that often at all.
I also am waiting on the following to pop: Rocoto, Nebru, Red Primo, Primo X Choc Hab, Poblano, Dorset Naga, Datil and Fatali.
The weather in Melbourne looks a little better for the opening of Spring, 19-21 max temps for the next 7 days which is better the 13-17 max temps.
Anyway, cheers