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Mixing My Own Question


Even though the heat was horendous in the month of June, we had a cool spell the first ten days of July (highs about 95F) and almost 6 inches of rain...a rarity for July in Fort Worth...

Evidently the cool spell sent the plants into hyperdrive as far as flowering and fruiting goes...the last week, it has been back at or above 100F here with the lows in the high 70s...the next week the lows are supposed to be in the low 80s...

I am going to try and keep the pod set going by giving my plants a good taste of Epsom Salt and some fertilize....I wanted an 8-20-16 but couldn't find that exact ratio of fertilize sooooooooooo...I bought a bag of 10-20-10 and a bag of 0-0-22...

I have never done this before but to come up with something close to 8-20-16 I will actually be making 10-20-16....so here is what I came up with...for every pound of 10-20-10 I use, if I add .28 lbs of the 0-0-22, I should have 10-20-16....

my question is....is my thought process correct on getting to the 10-20-16 I am looking for...

one pound of 10-20-10 and .28 pounds of 0-0-22....is that right?
This is what I found;


It seems to answer your question exactly; good question by the way.
roflmao @ SS....you know me toooooo well....
you know...I have been thinking...scary thing huh...anyway...if the bag of 0-0-22 has 22% available potassium, that means the other 78% is just filler and will act like a "dilution agent" on the total batch so I think I need to refigure...since the 10-20-10 has 60% filler that means for the two batches together, I have 138% filler...(bare with me 'cause I am trying to figure this out as I type...)

so 138% filler, 10% + 0 for nitrogen (total 10%), 20% + 0 for phosphorus (total 20%), 10% + 22% for the potassium (total 32%)...for a grand total of 200%...not this is finally making sense....

what I want want is 8-20-16.....

the mixture needs to be cut by 20% to get the right nitrogen so if I add 20% by weight of the 0-0-22, that will put me at 8-16-14.44...thus, the more 0-0-22 I use, the more of a decrease in N and P and increase in K

am I overthinking this?

gonna put it on a spreadsheet where I can see the relationship in the changes of the percentages of each nutrient based on weight of each fertilize....back in a while....
the mixture needs to be cut by 20% to get the right nitrogen so if I add 20% by weight of the 0-0-22, that will put me at 8-16-14.44...thus, the more 0-0-22 I use, the more of a decrease in N and P and increase in K

am I overthinking this?

That's right, but I think you enjoy playing with the numbers. :)
If you want a 8-20-16, then you are looking for an NPK ratio of 1-2.5-2. Southern Ag sells a 10-30-20 water soluble fertilizer called Start, Root and Bloom. That gets you at 1-3-2 ratio without having to be a mad scientist. Just use it at 80% of label rate per gallon. Of course with AJ, you alwys have to take into account that he has to buy it by the metric ton. And probably needs a crop duster to apply it to his plantation. :lol:
OK I'll ask, why the pressing need for the 8-20-16? Something specific you have in mind that you're thinking this will accomplish?

Best of luck getting it all figured out AJ.
thanks for the comments all...

patrick...I am just going to try a middle nitrogen high phosphorus and potassium on my peppers this year...I have been using 7-14-7 but want to kick up the potassium...and make it out of what I have on hand...

I think I have it figured out....that the closest I can get to what I want is...8-15-12 or 6-12-12
