mixing peppers in hot sauce

Because of an over abundance of hot peppers this year i used every hot pepper in a hot sauce. i mixed various kinds. do you guys make a different sauce from every variety or do you ix them together?
depends on what you want the sauce to taste like.

If you just want heat I guess it doesnt matter. If you want
the flavor of a specific kind of pepper then keep em seperate.

There are no rules. Its your sauce :D
which ones do compliment each other lol? this year it was an orange hab/cayenne/tabasco mix, mostly hab tho. had a sweetness then followed by 1 helluva heat kick
different varieties not only have different flavours, colours and differing amounts of 'meat' but they also contain different levels of capsaicin. this means that if you mix up your chiles a little you may end up with a sauce that hits different parts of your mouth/throat in different ways.
yep its your sauce do what you want. but from your list of chiles (habs,cayennes,tabasco) I'd keep the cayennes & tabasco chiles to one sauce & the habs in another sauce.