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hot-sauce MIxing sauces

Not sure if this is the right forum, if not, please give gentle pointers :)

Anyone have any good mixes of two or more commercial sauces that work real well? For example, you like Franks Red Hot, but it is not hot, so you add some Blair's sudden death? (I haven't tried it, but I think I will now that I just typed that!) Or Cholula + 3 AM (as posted here:
Just mix what you like or make your own :)
DoubleUp said:
Not sure if this is the right forum, if not, please give gentle pointers :)

Anyone have any good mixes of two or more commercial sauces that work real well? For example, you like Franks Red Hot, but it is not hot, so you add some Blair's sudden death? (I haven't tried it, but I think I will now that I just typed that!) Or Cholula + 3 AM (as posted here:

Mixing some extremely hot sauce with a milder flavorful fun will probably produce some great results. Basically you hit on the one problem with sauces, there are some that are very falovorful that you can drink by the cup and there are some that will knock your butt off. A middle ground will be ideal.
My first attempts at this were not so great. I tried some Original Death mixed with Franks Red Hot. Not too great, the original death overpowered it, yet it didn't have the heat. I think its the chipolte. (I used about 1/4 Blair's Original Death, the rest Red Hot). I need to mix something much hotter. I am thinking of cracking open my bottle of 3am and trying a drop of that :) Or maybe "Frostbite" is the right answer? But I have heard that Frostbite is not that hot.

On the other hand, got a bottle of "Pure Death" finally and I must say, this is my new favorite (by itself). So I think I will shelve the mixing efforts for while. The real answer is to make my own sauces i think!
I don't know about mixing, reminds of when you're a kid at the soda fountain mixing Coke, Mt. Dew, Orange, etc. lol.

Try adding a super-hot powder to it. You'd have to pour the sauce into a bowl, and the powder, and mix.
DoubleUp said:
Or maybe "Frostbite" is the right answer? But I have heard that Frostbite is not that hot.

Frostbite is definitely not hot. Stores I think get things mixed up because it says "made with 1,000,000 SHU extract (which could mean anything) and they in turn misinterpret it as being a 1 million scoville sauce. It's a spicy vinegar, with no much heat to it. Good on fries though.
thehotpepper.com said:
I don't know about mixing, reminds of when you're a kid at the soda fountain mixing Coke, Mt. Dew, Orange, etc. lol.

Try adding a super-hot powder to it. You'd have to pour the sauce into a bowl, and the powder, and mix.

Interesting... do you mean something like Dave's "Chile Today Hot Tomale" powder? Or another recommendation?
No I mean pure pepper powder so you are not introducing any other flavors. Naga powder, 7 Pot powder, etc.
thehotpepper.com said:
No I mean pure pepper powder so you are not introducing any other flavors. Naga powder, 7 Pot powder, etc.

A good heap of 7 pod powder will light any ones life up? Its a nice fruity flavour as well!
DoubleUp said:
Total newb question: Where do you get 7 pod/pot powder?

Hey mate, Im not sure if you can buy it off any businesses at the mo but usually you make your own. Yummy hot stuff! I might be selling some soon depending on a few things.
At this point you have to grow your own peppers and dry/dehydrate them and grind them. I don't know anyone that sells them.
thehotpepper.com said:
No I mean pure pepper powder so you are not introducing any other flavors. Naga powder, 7 Pot powder, etc.

I think he could use that 3AM without changing flavors too much. That stuff doesn't really have much flavor other than the extract taste, but it has a ton of heat. I sometimes use stuff like that to heat up wing sauce.
JayT said:
At this point you have to grow your own peppers and dry/dehydrate them and grind them. I don't know anyone that sells them.

Well, I am going to start going down this road anyway... I am off to read the growing forum and learn learn learn!
Scorpion said:
Hey nova, have you any different 7's at all? I'll fling you some powder mix for swapsys if ya want?

Choc and Barrackpore Dave, it would have to be some good powder to make me part with my dried pods :D I have Yellow 7's as well but they haven't produced as well as the others for me. The pods are a great size but just not many of them.
Novacastrian said:
Choc and Barrackpore Dave, it would have to be some good powder to make me part with my dried pods :D I have Yellow 7's as well but they haven't produced as well as the others for me. The pods are a great size but just not many of them.

Heres some temptation nova...lol! 7 pod screamer/Smokey super hot spice: 7 pod,smoked bhut, T scorp, sea salt, pepper with a touch of korma as an undertone or basic green spices ie: tarragon, parsley and mixed. If you send me your addy...i'll get you to try any way...need a taste tester.

I had only 2 plants this year: BT and Jonah. The bt went nuts ...pods everywhere and the jonah was put in late, i might get a couple..... Im loving the 7 pods!