Never seen one in my MREs.
Okay folks, now it's a real fire sale. I have gone through the list of available sauces and basically marked everything down 50% of the original asking price. I need to move this stuff, well, as I'm going to be moving so first come first serve on some great deals for some great sauces.
Ok folks just a 'heads up' when dealing with this person, make sure to have them go through paypal to send you an invoice as well as leave a paper trail with questions about the product..i.e condition of the bottle etc. As I rejected their homemade invoice and requested, since they and I both agreed paypal was for protecting us both, an invoice sent through paypal, for my protection, their 'wife' suddenly said for 'him' not to sell it as 'he' was giving me way to good of a deal...huh????? The bottle in question sold for $50 on eBay not long ago, the price we both agreed on was $51.03 that was product,shipping WITH insurance. As I read their posts and the emails back n forth from this person/s, I find it hard to believe they don't want to give good deals? See quote above.. There wasn't even a counter offer??
It is very suspicious and I hope this may help 'protect' or at least give caution to anyone who wants to deal with them.
I may be new to this fourm but this isn't my first rodeo. 2 year active member on the ADA and I'm not a seasoned vet on eBay but have nothing but positive feedback. sknxvll76. Right is right and this person and the getting my name and address then canceling the deal we had, is wrong. They just raised the price a few minutes ago on the 'site', lol "marking everything down 50%" must have been a typo?
My apologies if you feel that you were somehow scammed into giving me your address. The simple truth of the matter is that I was getting flags from you being overly "paranoid" to quote your email and that raised a flag with me. Rather than make a big deal out of it, I simply tried to politely get out of an uncomfortable situation rather than make you anymore excitable than you already seemed to be. I believe now that I was justified in that manner.
I didn't have an issue sending you a PayPal invoice, I had an issue with your odd behavior which is now obvious as you have posted here and also said you would flag my "store" with PayPal. It's not a store, it's a private collection that I'm selling using PayPal. You are the first person to have an issue with my as you said "homemade invoice." I provide this as an added courtesy so that buyers will have a paper trail with my personal information, not just an email, and a list of all items being purchased and the break out for costs of shipping and fees. You mention that coming here to the boards and flagging me with PayPal was "Not a threat, but this is VERY suspicious to say the least." but yet here you are making good on your "Not a threat." You could have at least waited for my email response before going public with this matter.
Again, I'm sorry the deal didn't work out, but that is all it is, nothing more. These things do happen without nefarious circumstances surrounding them.
For anyone here who may have questions about my validity, please note the other members of the forums here who I have dealt with that have not had any issues with me, my homemade invoice or the items I have sold. And apologies to you for having to read through this unfortunate and unnecessary post.
Really? flags from me wanting you to send me an invoice through paypal? Me the one taking the 'risk' with sending money...what was your risk with sending the item after you received a payment to your paypal account? Well a lot of nice smooth talking here, but a new fact is you admitted to lying to back out of a deal you agreed on.,,because you had flags?? Nice tryAnd you even raised the price to 'enforce' your lie??
Hence some of the truth is coming out ( you lying about the whole wife interjecting story) now, does validate my flags. Just didn't want someone else to learn the 'hard way'. Maybe next time you have a no risk deal (waiting on money before you ship a item) you will understand the buyers view and if you do have 'flags' :/ you will be honest.