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Mojo's 2010 T.Scorpions

Just some updated pics of my Scorpions




Very nice bro. Plants look nice and green and a lot of buds on those nodes too. I can almost invision the scorps growing on those plants. How many plants did you do this year? Very nice start to the season.

madhatter said:
How many plants did you do this year? Very nice start to the season.


I had 12 Scorpions I lost a few I have 8 now
I have a bunch of other stuff but alot of them are being nursed back to health and are stunted after getting devastated by aphids
others Im growing are:
Naga Morich
Bhut Jolokia
Fatalii X Bhut (in Hydro)
7 Pod Jonah (Hydro)
Congo Black
White Hab
Antillais Red
Red Mushroom
Harold. St Barts
Trini Seasoning
and some others that I probably forgot
I'll be posting pics of the rest this weekend but they are not nearly a good as the scorps are, well except my serranos those things are growing like mad.
Gonna salvage what I can out of the survivors and regroup when I plant my fall crop, just glad I live in Florida I get a second chance to start over come August :)
Must be nice to be able to grow through the winters outside.:lol: Plants are looking great there Mojo. I hope they give you heaps. Does that liner in the beds go all the way across the bottom or just for the sides?

jjs7741 said:
Does that liner in the beds go all the way across the bottom or just for the sides?

The liner is just for the sides just to make sure soil doesnt washout between the boards of the bed when we get our heavy summer rains. had a problem with that last year as the wood shrinks or expands with the heat and humidity it made small gaps so when I built this bed for my scorps I added the side liner which is just weed block cloth.
Those scorpions will be monster pepper plants and should yeild lots of heat for ya Mojo. When you have nice plants like those you only need a few.;)
Hey Wicked, Those plants look excellent! I cant see one bug bite or imperfection.Your doing something right. :) Keep the pics coming!
wayright said:
Hey Wicked, Those plants look excellent! I cant see one bug bite or imperfection.Your doing something right. :) Keep the pics coming!

Yeah no kidding! Looks like he brought them outside for the first time just to take a picture the leaves are so perfect.
Thanks for all the compliments, Im really grateful for the way these plants going since the rest of this years varieties took a beating, I will post pics this weekend of the "wounded warriors" that are trying to make a comeback. I think natural predators are helping this group of scorps out big time, I have found garden spiders and lizards hanging out in my plants and dragonflys are always cruising around them, I only gave these guys ferts when I put them in the ground just been rain water since and I hand water when it goes too many days without raining.

heres what those scorpions looked like about 2 weeks ago ( they were slightly smaller then the one in the back right corner when I put 'em in the ground, that one just was still stunted a bit cause it had some aphid damage)

Looking really good there Mojo! I can't wait for the weather around here to shape up so that my plants can start to look as good as yours do! ;)
Your plants are looking good and healthy Mojo, good work man. Going to be a warm one in your neighborhood real soon.
Went outside today and was very excited to see some flowers on the scorps! looks like the buds are all getting ready to flower.
WickedMojo ..... everything looks super . I like the raised beds and the Scorps look great !! With leaves as big as your hand they're doing good. You should end up doing well this season.

Peace & Good Luck ,
P. Dreadie
P. Dreadie said:
WickedMojo ..... everything looks super . I like the raised beds and the Scorps look great !! With leaves as big as your hand they're doing good. You should end up doing well this season.

Peace & Good Luck ,
P. Dreadie

Thanks man, how are plants doing after that wind storm? I hope ya didnt lose any
Wicked ..... Thanks for asking . I lost a few ... several others are fugly as can be. Real beat up . I'm hoping those will come back. But things aren't all that bad. I have a lot of plants that are just now seeing real sunlight and more that will make their way out soon. Life is still good .... I may not get some peppers I wanted but I'll get more than enough ...... that's my positive thought before the next storm ...... LOL

P. Dreadie
Heres some shots of some of the other stuff I got going.

Serrano - starting to get some pods


T.Scorp recovered from aphids gonna pot up today


Naga Morich - also a survivor


Harold's St. Bart