media Mold on jiffy pots

I started some seeds a few weeks ago.  Took steps to sterilize my starting soil (in the oven).  I put the jiffy pots in a seed starter with a clear plastic cover and gave them what I thought was a reasonable amount of water.  The soil was moist but not soaked.  I left the starter on the porch while I went out of town for the weekend, so it could get some sun.  When I came back I found that all the pots had mold growing on them.
I took the top off and put them in the sun to dry out.  Is there anything else I can do to remove and/or stop the mold?  And will the mold hurt my seeds?
I had some white fuzz on my jiffys. I pulled the top off of the germinating tray and let them dry out a bit. I slapped the lid back on a day or two later and they did eventually sprout.
I've been checking out Jiffy products out for seed germinating and the one constant c/o I've seen from other people is mold when they keep the lids on the trays. Perhaps keeping the lids off and water as needed might work better? The H2O2 has worked for me against mold without harming seedlings.
Thanks for the quick responses.  I just put some hydrogen peroxide in my spray bottle and gave each pot a light mist of it.  I'll leave the lids off for a day or two, and let them dry out before I water them again.
I had some jiffy pellets and they did get mold on top (some of them - not all), but the seeds sprouted fine and there were no issues with the seedlings in the long run. When I sprouted in soil, in plastic cups - with plastic bags on top of each one, there was no mold issue. 