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Mold on my Ghost Chili puree

This is the recipe I used-


Ghost chile peppers
White wine vinegar
(See below for amounts of each.)


Prepare mash. Grind peppers (any amount), seeds and all, in a medium to fine grind. Add ½ cup kosher salt per gallon of ground peppers. This ratio of mash to salt of 32:1 seems to be the best but can vary depending on the quality of your peppers. Put mash & salt mixture into a glass or crockery jar. Press the mash down and cover with saucer or other lid . Liquid will form.

They have been in the jar for about 3 weeks. This morning I noticed mold forming on top, black and colors...

Is it still any good or should I toss it?



By the way, I am new here and think this site is incredible.
Welcome Lyon

You mentioned vinegar, but I don't see the amount. I have no experience with mash, there are others who can answer your questions. I'll see if I can find the fermentation thread.

You want to be really careful with chiles as they are a low acid food. Don't want to scare you, but botulism is nothing to mess around with.

Edit- here you go, this shoulod get you well on your way, or at least hook you up with people that can answer your Q's.

Good Luck!
I say that it wasn't enough salt. I've seen that you should add 7%-9% of the peppers weight in salt. A half a cup for a gallon of mash is definitely not enough. I used 2 teaspoons in about a cup of mashed peppers and am still fearing it wasn't enough
Hey Lyon and welcome to the forum.
I have to mirror some of the comments that have already been made. I haven't dealt with any balck infections but I don't imagine that's it's good. The white infection that is talked about is actually a yeast that can get in. Your salt ratio is dry low and while that's. OT bad when your Uzi g something like Kefir grains or whey to help start the Lactobacillus fermenting, when your not usi g a starter you need more salt to keep those ad things from getting a foot hold. Erode the good stuff does. Afraid to say I'd pitch what you have and start anew. Don't take chances on stuff like that. Chili Monsta has worked with fermentations longer than I and might be able to tell you more it I think your mash has gone to the dark side.

Hey Lyon and welcome to the forum.
I have to mirror some of the comments that have already been made. I haven't dealt with any balck infections but I don't imagine that's it's good. The white infection that is talked about is actually a yeast that can get in. Your salt ratio is dry low and while that's. OT bad when your Uzi g something like Kefir grains or whey to help start the Lactobacillus fermenting, when your not usi g a starter you need more salt to keep those ad things from getting a foot hold. Erode the good stuff does. Afraid to say I'd pitch what you have and start anew. Don't take chances on stuff like that. Chili Monsta has worked with fermentations longer than I and might be able to tell you more it I think your mash has gone to the dark side.



I'll toss it in the trash.

By the way, the amount if info from contributor to this site is incredible. I am looking forward to next seasons harvest and being successful in creating a workable mash.
black molds known as strachbotrys chartarum causes deaths in babies from respiratory bleeding,and contributinf factor in asthma and bronchitis. they form any wares where moisture is,and the pores can be transported by touch. throw that stuff away,,,,,, give it to your mother in law