soil mold on soil, what to do?

The last days it have been high humidity and i got mold on top soil in some of my pots. Since i have my own water and there isnt any chlorine in it, could i add some chlorine to the water (and how much) to kill the mold or what to do? Is it bad for the plants to have mold?
Could i switch to start watering from the bottom to prevent it? I think all my plants now have roots to the bottom so i could fill the "bowl" i have under my pots so its 1/2" with water on the bottom of the pots. When i do that it takes 10-15min before the most of the water is gone, but then i need to water 2 times a day to give same amount of water as i use to use when watering from the top every other day.
Hydrogen Pyroxcide  4 to 5 oz  to 16 oz water in spray bottle repeat ever day or so
i seen it go away after just one application but i risked it and made it a little stronger of which i dont reccomend you do
thanks your friend joe
I've had it before and only used a capful to a small spray bottle. 1 or 2 applications and increase fresh air circulation if possible. I would start low anyway and increase if needed. But yes, peroxide worked for me.
ajijoe said:
Hydrogen Pyroxcide  4 to 5 oz  to 16 oz water in spray bottle repeat ever day or so
i seen it go away after just one application but i risked it and made it a little stronger of which i dont reccomend you do
thanks your friend joe
yup exactly what i do when im growing indoors
Bhuter said:
I've had it before and only used a capful to a small spray bottle. 1 or 2 applications and increase fresh air circulation if possible. I would start low anyway and increase if needed. But yes, peroxide worked for me.
yup thats good advice
Looks like cobweb mold....the peroxide should take care of it with one treatment ...I deal with it in my mycology hobby as well...
I use a 1:10 ratio of 3% OTC hydrogen peroxide to water, so basically 1 oz in a measuring cup then 10 oz of water and dump that into a spray bottle.  Don't make too much at once unless your bottle is tinted dark enough that sunlight can't get in or else it will degrade.
geeme said:
This site is  your hydrogen peroxide friend:
I must say that pic rather shocked me when I opened this thread. How come you waited so long to ask for help??? 
Thats after 3 days, i didnt see anything on saturday, on tueasday it was there. And i did go thru all my plants on saturday to give them a spray against aphids so i'm 100% sure that the mold only needed 3 days to do that, i used 2,5 hours to spray 30 plants so i did a good examiniation on each plant on saturday. But the last 3 days there have been much rain and the humidity in my greenhous has been high.
Today it was sun and the humidity has been 40% in the greenhouse, all mold was gone when i came home from work. Have ordered hydrogen peroxide from UK with DHL Express so i will have it on friday, i should still spray?
I am thankful to have found this thread. I noticed that white mold around my little ghost pepper and 7 pot seedlings this morning that was not there last night and used dave2000s 1:10 ratio to spray it. I'm not sure if you should still spray; I suppose it couldn't hurt, but I will let someone with more knowledge answer your question! Good luck, pwb!
It won't hurt anything to go ahead and spray, but there is no need to keep spraying if there is no sign of new mold.  However since there was mold, spraying once will help ensure that spores in the immediate vicinity are wiped out so it takes longer to establish itself again if there is another very damp situation in the future.